Chapter 19

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I walked into the kitchen where Jessica and Dashaun were sitting. They were playing Blackjack. 2 weeks ago I found out that Jessica and him were dating. Now I can't get the guy out of my house. He did not come over this much when we were friends. So much for bros before hoes.

I went into the fridge to get a soda. They were just over there having a grand old time. Laughing and giggling. I started to feel like I did not want to learn the truth of their relationship if this is what I had to deal with every damn Saturday.

"You think you know a guy." I said under my breath as I walked out of the kitchen. I went to the living room. I was not going to let those two have me a prisoner in my room. I was glad they were having fun, really. Do I wish things happened differently? Yeah, of course. I lost my best friend and a good friend. Right now I was alone. I had no one to hangout with. I was not going to sit around and whine about it.

"I'll see you later, Jess." Dashaun said.

"Do you have to go?" Jessica said. "Dinner is already ready."

"Yea. I would stay, but my mom is taking me out to eat again. Something for her job."

"Alright. I'll call you tonight then."

Then they kissed. I'm watching this all while I'm at the dinner table. They knew exactly what they were doing. Scumbags.

"Bye." Jessica said.

"Talk to you later." Dashaun responded. He looked at me. I saw a little smirk on his face. This guy still doesn't know he's being played.. Pitiful.

Once Dashaun left, Jessica came and sat in her usual seat. Mom sat the plates around the dinner table. We were having chicken, mashed potatoes, and string beans.

The dinner started slow. No one said anything. I wanted to eat fast and leave. That's what I've been doing for the last two months. I don't want to look at Jessica for two long.

"Hey Jessica." My mom said. "How are things?"

"Things are wonderful, Sarah" Jessica responded.

"I see you and Dashaun are still going at it. Is it serious yet?"

Why the hell do I have to listen to this crap?

"Yea. Kind of. I'm not sure yet." Jessica responded.

I snickered. Jessica heard me and glared a bit. I found that whole relationship a joke.

"Ray, I heard you're getting recruited. By who?" My dad asked.

Finally a question I liked to hear. It's true I was getting recruited by schools from my work in the previous season. I was pretty proud of myself.

"I'm getting recruited by WPI, RPI, Fordham, and Rutgers. You know this Dad." I said.

"Yea. Just wanted to see if it was someone new. Any commitments?"

"Adam is going to Louisville. Full scholarship. Ricardo not yet."

"I meant you son."

"Oh. Not yet."

"What a surprise." Jessica said under her breath. I ignored it.

"You still have senior year. There's no rush." my mom said.

"He can't make a decision anyway." Jessica said. Another smart remark that my parents did not know about.

"At least when I do, I'll stay committed." I said taking a shot back at her.

"You should choose before they decommit from you."

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