chapter ten.

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Aimee and the people from her colony were going to let Joel and Rosemary stay the night since they wanted them to come onto the yacht with them. At the moment, everyone was sitting around the fire that Rosemary had made and Cap was telling everyone stories. Rosemary kept finding gaps in his stories. She didn't think anything of it since it happened awhile ago, so she figured his mind was just blurry, but it kept happening. People were egging him on to tell another story. He clearly wanted to, but he was acting like he didn't, but he finally 'caved in'.

"Four years post Agatha. HMS Brisbane. First watch. I was the first person to see it coming over the wall. Giant lizard, two stories high. I sounded the alarm. Too late. We lost one thousand and thirty two souls that night. Those of us that survived took to the sea. I mean, make no mistake. We have lost this war, right? There is no place for mankind on land. But out there? There we got a chance."

Yet again, Rosemary found something wrong with his story. He said a giant lizard climbed over a wall, but the lizards can't climb. So how could it have climbed over a wall? Also, she was wondering how they had no chance on land. Rosemary has been living in a bus. A bus! For seven years and she's done fine this far. The same thing was running through Joel's mind, but he spoke up about it.

"I've got a-" The talking died down so Joel could talk. "Sorry. Just got a question. I survived seven days on the surface and if I can do that, literally anyone can."

"Seven days on the surface? I'm impressed." Cap didn't expect anyone to retract what he said, but here we are.

"Well, if you're impressed by that, Rosemary lived on the surface for seven years. And by herself for five."

"Well, she must've had help." Rosemary did wish that she had help on the surface, but her brother was bad at surviving and her sister was about six when she died, so Rosemary was actually proud of surviving for so long by herself.

"No, no, no. I had a dog and that's it. Nobody helped me until Joel. He was being modest before. Joel said that I mostly helped him, but he helped me just as much, more probably. He has a point. We can win our world back. We have a chance."

"Alright, I have a plan. And Joel, mate, if you have a better one, I'm all ears. And I will stand by your side." Cap purposefully put Joel on the spot. He figured if Joel had a plan then he could just make his better and if he didn't, then he'd get embarrassed in front of everybody.

"You wanna hear my...You wanna hear my plan? It's, uh...just, uh...I got nothing, uh-"

"Hey, that's on me. I-I didn't mean to put you on the spot, mate. It's...Well, Aimee tells me you make a mean minestrone. And you're great on the radio. Lord knows I need a comms expert. Someone to teach Rocko how to cook."

It hurt Rosemary to hear Cap belittle Joel like that. Rosemary remembered one of his stories where he said he killed a King Sandgobbler all by himself, but Rosemary knew that wasn't a thing and her and Joel killed a Queen, so she really wanted to see if her suspicions were right. There were a lot of gaps in his stories and there was a safer, closer place that they could go to, but weren't so she had become very suspicious very quickly.

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