chapter 3 - broken time

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After the announcement the classes proceeded as normal well mostly during lunch my vision was blurry and I was having a hard time balancing. Neito noticed and helped me "aki you should go to the doctor to get checked out you dont seem to be doing so good" it was hard to see and I was confused but I managed to croak out "if I dint feel better in 3 days I'll go k nei" he looked at me with a 'that's a stupid nickname face' I ignored it and managed to make it back to my room and just layed on my bed and dozed off.

~2 days later~

I woke up with a headache worse then the previous day I got up and took some tylenol and got ready for the day after going down stairs feeling weak I saw neito and he saw me "feeling any better aki" my dry throat sounded raspy when I talked "no" he looked at me worryingly "I'm helping you make a doctors appointment no arguing" I just nodded to weak to do anything. Neito handed me breakfast which I had a hard time eating and after that he helped me to my room and for the next hour or two we made a appointment for next week at the latest "get some sleep aki" he said hugging me slowly as to not hurt me and I hugged him back if anyone hurts my little brother I swear they will lose anyway to live.

Once he left I layed in bed since it was the weekend I took advantage of it since I was always sleepy recently. I was about to knock out until I recieved a text it was from the pretty girl ibara.

I - ibara
A - akin
I - um hey akin tomorrow I was planning on going shopping do you want to join?

A - hmm sure but were buying coffee k cutie

I - ......sure coffee


I layed in bed with a smile on my face
And then passed out. But fuck that I had to wake up at 5am but what ever I got my phone and looked through my feed on a social media app called 'Freaks' practically it's a all about odd style that some people called freaky then I noticed I have been looking at it for 4 hours i was meeting up with ibara at 11am so I got up ready and made breakfast and chilled till the time once it came I was exited.

Ibara showed up " h-hey akin ready to go" fixing my jacket and trying my best to ignore my headache I nodded not being able to speak probably because of the headache so whatever and soon we headed out after a bit I was able to talk again "hey ibara I like what you did with your hair finally released the best huh" I said chuckling while she turned read. We went to a couple shops and talked having fun soon we were walking back I decided to tell her "hey ibara i like you like alot so do you wanna start dating" she turned red and just nodded earning a chuckle out of me.

~1 week later~

"Ibara I heading to get a check up at the hospital I'll be back later so we can hang out ok" she just nodded and smiled .........cute ok ok back to the hospital I was walking their feeling super tired barely being awake but enough to make it to the hospital I sighed in and 20 minutes later I'm talking with a doctor "hello mr.yagi what brings you here today" after a second I responded with "I have been tired constantly and have headaches which only get worse with time including blurry vision and having a hard time balancing my body even on flat ground" I say in a rough and scratchy voice "ok mr.yagi are you ok with me doing a couple of tests on you it might take a bit of your time" the doctor asked as he typed something into the computer "sure I dont mind but can i ask what you wanna test" the doctor looked at me "I wanna take a MRI" I just nodded after a couple of minutes he leads me into a different room with a machine and some people behind a mirror. I was put into the machine and also see everyone back away as much as they can which was funny but whatever.

After it was finished I waited a little bit more and the doctor came back in with a solemn expression "Mr.yagi we have identified the seems you have a brain tumor which is to dangerous to operate on but we can give you some medication and with that we belive you will live another 5 years no exact date but the best we can do in sorry we cant help anymore sir" I was shocked but i was fine with dying i mean of course i had a beautiful girlfriend waiting back in my room but death was going to come to me regardless so I didnt mind the doctor spoke once again "I was you were a hero in training you have enough time to graduate and help people for a year or two but not if you keep having these symptoms so the medication i prescribed helps stop them and also extends you life as much as possible" I nodded "thank you I wish you the best in your life doc" with that I take my leave and look at my medication and put it away.

Once I reached my room ibara looked at me and smiled "so what did they say are you in good shape" I quickly came up with a lie "yes but I had some headaches so they gave me some meds so I'll be even better" she just smiled and for the rest of the day we enjoyed each others presence.

~time skip~

Today was the day we saw 1a I wonder what will happen well standing around wont help.

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