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━⑈⑇"I give you these names for you to use. These names shall be known as heroes of our society. And the names who are to be mentioned as the ones who defeated him.⑈⑇━

 ⑈⑇ Ethan - Lee Heesung ⑈⑇

⑈⑇ Jake - Sim Jaehyun ⑈⑇

⑈⑇ Jay - Park Jeongseong ⑈⑇

⑈⑇ Ni-ki - Nishimura Riki ⑈⑇

⑈⑇ Sunoo - Kim Sunwoo ⑈⑇

⑈⑇ Jungwon - Yang Jungwon ⑈⑇

⑈⑇ Sunghoon - Park Sunghoon ⑈⑇

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