Kami- hey babe
Katsu- hey
Kami- I'm on break
Katsu- awesome!
Kami- IKR
Kami- anyways what chu doin?
Katsu- laying in bed
Kami- nice
Katsu- I just woke up from a nap a few minutes ago...
Kami- did you have a good nap baby?
Katsu- yea
Kami- good
Katsu- yea
Kami- baby I gotta get back to work it's rush hour!
Katsu- have fun!
Kami- I will
Katsu- good now bye love you
Kami- love you to
Read 3:00 pm
Wrong Number {BakuKami}
Fanficlet's see how this turns out! Cursing idk what else tbh!