Chapter 14-Loyal

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-One Month Later-

Kayla had decided one day to take all of the female members of St. Berry Jam to go dress shopping. But not only for herself, but for the bridal party. She thought about who she wanted to stand by her, and knowing how big of a name she was and the big deal about her marrying Shawn, she and Shawn thought it would be best to have a big wedding party. Elizabeth would be her maid of honor, as they grew extremely close since moving to Indiana. Her bridesmaids would consist of Molli, Nancy, Siobhan and Anna. Just because Siobhan and Anna have not been around much, that didn't mean they didn't play a big part in her life. She wanted them to be there, no matter what. She also thought it would be perfect if her daughter played the role as the flower girl.

Claudia e-mailed Kayla numerous times about wanting to be a bridesmaid, but she was shot down over and over, obviously due to their estrangement and how things ended when they stopped communicating.

Shawn's best man was obviously Bobby, and then his groomsmen consisted of Jacoby, Travis, Artem and Ryan Weiss, Nancy's boyfriend, who has become more friendly and social since he graduated high school. He also thought it would be great to have Molli's son be the ring bearer.

While Kayla and Shawn have not decided on a name for their little girl, Molli and Jacoby (with Bobby's thinking and approval) decided to name the unborn boy Derrick Jaymes. To the circumstances that Molli had with regarding the two men in her life, she was set on just giving Derrick her last name. No one had any objections to that matter. Derrick Jaymes Murgatroyd sounded like a good name; Derrick Jaymes Jones or Derrick Jaymes Thinnes would be decided later on if she ever felt like telling the whole truth.

After an hour of dress shopping, Kayla left the store empty-handed. She felt like she was not ready to make a purchase, especially with her being 30 weeks pregnant.

Being at the Castleton mall, they decided to splurge on Chinese food, Dairy Queen and ordering a big pizza pie. Kayla and Molli decided to sit down due to the pressure of their swollen bellies.

"So when are you ever going to come up with a name for that little girl?" Molli joked.

"Well just so you know," Kayla chuckled, "we have two names left to discuss. Shawn likes Tolly Marie but I like Jaylee Nicole."

Molli stared at Kayla for about five minutes before giving her opinion.

"I'd slap that boy silly and name your daughter Jaylee."

Kayla laughed, only agreeing that her name suggestion was more superior than her fiancé's.

-The Next Day-

Jocelyn became obsessed with what Artem and Bobby knew to the point where it was starting to get unhealthy. Allie and a couple of others told her not to worry about it, but when Jocelyn had an intuition, she was going to follow it until her conscious was clear.

Molli and Bobby were walking toward glee club when she suddenly remembered to grab her backpack, since she was leaving five minutes early than the rest of the group.

"Okay Mol, take good care of our boy." Bobby said while rubbing her swollen belly.

Jocelyn was a sneaky person and was behind a couple of tall kids when she discovered Molli's abdomen being rubbed by Bobby.

"Not too much longer Bobby," Molli said, "I think I'll tell Jacoby the truth once Derrick arrives."

His brown eyes lit up. "So I can really be Derrick's daddy and have it known in public?"

"Of course." she smiled.

Jocelyn gasped. It all makes sense now, she thought, Bobby always hanging around Molli. He's the father, not Jacoby.

"Jacoby!" she whispered silently. She quickly rushed off to find her love stricken friend. She didn't have to go far; he was coming out of the math department and heading toward glee club.

"Jacoby!" she nearly shouted. He stopped dead in his tracks when he caught a glimpse of Jocelyn losing her breath.

"Jozzy," Jacoby replied, "what's up."
"I have to tell you something, but you're not going to be too happy about it."
"What are you talking about?"

-Five minutes later-

Kayla waddled to the teacher's lounge to where she knew her future sister-in-law was making copies of the song sheets. "TARA!" she hissed loudly.

"Kayla, what's going on?!" Tara asked, just in time for her to return. "There's a fight in the classroom. Jacoby's punching Bobby!"

Tara got her pregnant student an emergency wheelchair the faculty had and they rushed back to the classroom to find just what Kayla noted earlier. There were a couple of blood patches already stained to the floor. Everyone else was watching in horror.

"You goddamn asshole! How could you do this to me?!" Jacoby shouted.

Molli tried to pull him off of Bobby when Jacoby turned around in a rushed manner and growling "Don't you fucking touch me Murgatroyd." Her eyes became wide, wild in fear of the tone in his voice.

Tara roughly pryed Jacoby off of Bobby, not in the mood to deal with this behavior.


Just then, Elizabeth came storming in, not caring if she was late, and got in Molli's face. "So Jacoby told me you like to sleep with other people's boyfriends," she yelled, "what is wrong with you?! I thought we were fucking friends Molli!"

Stammering, Molli cried, "I-I-I am your friend Liz! What happened was just-" She then met a painful sting to her face. Elizabeth had struck her.

"Liz, what the hell!" Kayla exclaimed.
"Save it Kay," Elizabeth snarled. Pointing to her lying boyfriend and friend, "those two fucked at Artem's party and that bastard baby is Bobby's, not Jacoby's!"

The rest of the students gasped in shock. This was definitely the ultimate betrayal in their mindset.

"Mol," Jacoby sternly said, "is it true,"
"Yeah Bobby," Elizabeth snapped, "do tell us,"

Molli approached the boy she loved, tears streaming down her face. This wasn't how she wanted to do it, but the lie had had been exposed. "Yes," she squeaked, "Bobby is Derrick's father,"

"We were drunk off wine coolers," Bobby added in a rushed tone, "in my drunken state, Molli resembled Liz. I woke up the next morning to see the error of my judgement. Mol was just as horrified as I was. We only wanted to protect the ones we love, so we swore never to tell what took place."

"But then I got pregnant with Derrick, and I had to inform Bobby."

Startled with this revelation, Jacoby choked up, " you were just going to pass off Derrick as mine? What the hell were you going to do if the baby came out a different skin color as me? I mean, he's dark skinned and I'm light skinned."

"Just because both Bobby and Jacoby are black, that doesn't mean you pass off a child as someone else's." Elizabeth agreed.

The awkward audience stayed silent during this confrontation. Obviously, there was too much to process. Jocelyn assured that she overheard Molli and Bobby talking, thankfully sparing Artem.

"Babe," Molli cried, "I am so sorry." She tried to embrace Jacoby in a hug, but he pushed her away. "No Mol," he said, "I can't do this. I can't handle this betrayal. Fuck this. Fuck you Molli. I'm done with you. WE'RE OVER BITCH!"
He then proceeded to storm out of the room in a huff.

Bobby walked cautiously over to Elizabeth. "Liz," he breathed. "Not now Bobby," she said coldly, "I need time."

She left the room crying as she went to catch up with her heartbroken friend. Everyone else grew more silent for at least five minutes as they all processed what had just happened.

Finally, Carolyn Foxworthy said "So I guess we're changing the setlist for Nationals."

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