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Isabella woke up on a warm December morning to her alarm screaming at her to wake up. She slipped out of her bed and put her thrifted jeans and plain black shirt on. Isabella followed the smell of eggs downstairs to find her mother cooking breakfast in their small kitchen.

"Morning Izzy," Her mother yawned while placing eggs on top of some toast.

"Morning mum" Isabella replied, tying her long brown hair into a ponytail to keep it out of her face and grabbing the plate of eggs her mother had passed her.

Isabella sat down at the dining table and ate her breakfast quickly, wanting to be early for school. When she was done she took her plate to the sink and left for the bathroom.

When Isabella got to the mirror she saw her reflection in front of her, long brown hair, hypnotising blue eyes, soft lips, and light freckles delicately placed around her face, that completely masked her sinister nature. She brushed her pearly white teeth and put some light mascara and eyeliner on her blue almond shaped eyes.

The girl soon left for school waving goodbye to her mother as she walked out the door. On her way to school she noticed someone walking on the other side of the road from her, she recognised this person as Josh, a boy in her class. 

Josh was an asshole, he was a misogynist and Isabella despised him. She decided he was going to be her next target. Isabella walked the rest of the way to school, constantly eyeing Josh and trying to read his mannerisms and attitude. She surveyed his route to school and soon found herself at school.

She got to class and sat down at her desk. She watched as Josh walked into the classroom with his douchebag friends and sat down in the back of the room. If only time would go by faster. Isabella got out her books as the teacher walked in and listened as Josh and his friends made douchie comments and catcalled the girls walking into the classroom. She soon zoned out and found herself sitting in an empty classroom and the bell ringing loudly in her ear.

Isabella left the room and walked down to the field, where her friends sat every day on a blanket that they had stolen from the fabric room. She sat with her friends and conversed, but couldn't get her mind off of her next victim.

"Stop daydreaming Bella!" said her best friend, Noah, snapping her out of her trance.

"Sorry guys, i'm just a bit distracted today" Isabella responded.

Another friend, River leaned towards Isabella, whispering in her ear, "Thinking about tonight?"

Her cheeks flushed, embarrassed. River was the only person Isabella had told about her secret second life. "Shh, the others might hear." She scolded him.

"What are you guys talking about?" Said Noah loud enough for the rest of the group to hear.

"Planning your murder." Isabella replied bluntly, before lying down on the blanket and going back to daydreaming, River on lying on her chest, clearly nearly falling asleep himself.

Isabella had always felt a protectiveness over River, she never had any feelings towards him, she didn't think. They had met in their first year of high school and had been inseparable ever since. She told him everything and he told her everything. Her secret life, her home issues, his body dysphoria and transitioning. They were always together whenever they could. It got to the point where their friends thought they were dating.

The end of the day was nearing and she was getting ready for her attack. She put a raincoat over her clothes, fairly normal as it was going to rain, and plastic caps over her shoes, so as not to leave footprints. 

Isabella followed Josh halfway home in the rain and when they were hidden she jumped on him, covering his eyes and mouth. She took the knife she kept in her bag and stabbed him. When he fell to the ground she got on top of him and stabbed him in the chest. Over and over she went into a frenzy and kept stabbing him until he was long dead. She ripped his eyeballs out and threw them into the lake nearby. Isabella took Josh's bloody body to the lake and disposed of it in the water. She took off her blood covered rain jacket and caps on her feet and went home. 

She took a shower, being sure to wash away any traces of blood that littered her body.

a/n: this was originally an english assignment but i thought maybe it would be fun to upload it here to see what people think of it. Tell me if you want more!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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