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I was working on my forensics homework when my phone buzzed beside me

Hey, I know we were planning on hanging out tonight but something came up. Sorry

I sighed reading the text. This was the second time he had done this this week. On the bright side I guess that gives me more time to do my work then.

Oh ok. Well be safe <3

It didn't look like he was gonna respond so I just put down my phone and went back to my study's.
After about 5 hours of homework and scrolling through social media I decided to text B/N to check up on him.

Y/ N
Hey just checking in to make sure everything's good :)
read at 8:36

Read? That's odd, I wonder what the thing that came up is. I decided to shoot him another text, not to be pushy just cause I was worried.

Ok well ig just text me when you're done

I was slightly annoyed with him for not answering but I wasn't gonna get mad over something so little.

One week later-

It's been about a week now and me and B/N have barely talked, he keeps canceling and being super dry with his texts. Today he promised he could actually hang out this time, so I was currently waiting for the food I delivered for us to get here.
I was sitting in my room when I hear my front door open then close and shorty after B/ N waked into my room.
"Hi baby" I say going over to hug him. He says hi back and gives me a kinda weak hug. He sat next to me on the bed and tuned to face me.
"So what did you order ?"
"Chipotle, i've been craving it all week"
He nodded and tuned his attention to his phone.
We sat on our phones in silence for about 10 min before I heard a knock on the door.
"Oh that must be the food! I'll go get it" I quickly get off my bed to go answer the door.
I thanked the guy who brought the food and headed back up stairs to my room.
"Here's your food" I say handing it to him with his eyes still glued to his phone.
"Thanks" he respondes not moving his attention at all.
I was starting to get really annoyed with his sudden change of attitude towards me.
"Ok tell me, what did I do." I question bluntly
"What?" He says with a confused tone
"You have been canceling on me all week, and not answering my texts and now we are finally together and you're not even acknowledging me. Why?!"
He looks at me with a slightly shocked expression before his face goes into more of a sad look
"Im sorry"he reply's looking down. "I've just needed a little space." He says quietly which makes my face drop. "Not that you did anything wrong! I just have felt very overwhelmed with everything put together so I've just needed a break from everything. Im really sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't wanna make you feel bad and make it seem like you were the thing that was stressing me out" he looks at me with a disappointed look.
"B/N" I say sighing "baby it's ok. Yes I wish you would have told me but I get it, everyone needs some space sometimes."
He smiles before moving closer to me pulling me into a hug
"Thank you. I really was worried you were gonna be upset" he said with a sigh of relief
"Well, I was, but i'm not anymore, so it's ok. I said with a slight laugh
We layed there together for a minute before he spoke up
"I missed this, I don't know why I decided I needed a break from you too"
"Beats me" I said laughing
He tightened the hug and eventually I could tell he had fallen asleep.
I am so in love with with him

a/n: sorry this is so bad, i'm literally writing this at 5am 🧍‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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