Scene 3 Act 1

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Electra enters stage right in the dark parking garage.

Electra: Cat! Cat! Were are you? Come on I only told

Marie the club was until five. (Two guys grab

hold of Electra.) (Screams)

Cat Enters stage left and stands infront of them.

Cat:(Smirking Evily) I heared of what happened to you in your last carehome and how you moved as they thought you were a risk. You Made that boy take his own life. Do know what others suffered after that. If you don't you may soon find out.

Electra :(stutters) H-H-how did you know what happened? And I do know what others have suffered as I suffered aswell you don't know all the story What do you mean I'll soon find out...

Cat: (Yells) Bring him!

Electra looks towards a door being opened when 2 people dragging a person by the arms. Electra looks at the persons face.

Electra : (Sobbing) No...George! ... Why!... Catrina Why!...

Cat: Why? Because you took the thing I cared about...

Electra: What Did I take? (confused expression)

Cat: You took Him...(Begins to sob)

Electra: Who did I take?... I don't understand.

Cat: Him... Bec! You made Bec take his own life


Electra: NO... No... I didn't... Let George go and I

shall explain.

Cat: Let him go (Cat instructs the men holding George) and get out of here while your at it (Softly spoken)

The men let go of George and exit stage right george following slowly

Cat: Go on then, explain.

Electra: Can they let go of me first? My wrist are

starting to hurt. (Cat nodded and the guys

holding her let go and exit stage right)

Electra: I didn't make him take his own life,

he was being bullied at school and at Maywell.

He was bullied for his life choices. For

wanting to perform. He would talk to me,

telling me multiple times that he gave up on

everything! Including school and his life.

Cat: H-H-He was bullied?(Stutters)

Electra: Yes, but don't you dare blame it on me.

I happened to be the one to find him hanging their. He was my best friend and the only person I trusted (Starts to sob) So rethink your idea of what happened and don't judge until you know the whole story.

Cat: (Starts Crying) I'm so sorry, and your right.

I didn't know the whole story.

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