2. Two hours

1 0 0

Reasons why I like you.

I can be as carefree as I can be.

I can talk to you about anything.

You talk sense to me.

You laugh at my jokes.

Forehead kisses.

You were there even when I felt so low.

You like me even when I don't like myself.

You compliment me.

You encourage me to go out of my shell.

You give me courage to be brave.

Random I love you's.


You make me laugh.

I like how touchy you are, because I can have a reason to be touchy as well.

You understand all my cryptic messages.

Because I don't have to explain most of the time.

You gave me time.

You were patient.

You waited.

I can focus on you when I don't want to hear the world.

You distract me.

You make me wanna ignore other people.

You accepted me.

You like me even with my flaws, trauma, insecurities.

You give me courage to be just me.

Because you are You.

And because no matter how much I try to say you are not good to me, I still want to be with you.

Do you want to be with me?

Do you still love me?

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