Chapter 1

301 12 2

TW: blood, death

Sam tries to focus on Deena's voice, the way she mutters 'I'm sorry' and 'It's okay' over and over again but she finds it really hard to do.

She leans forward throwing up and she feels Deena's hands holding hers, trying to comfort her. And it feels good to have Deena with her, that's the only thing that makes her feel a little bit better. That's the only thing that makes the pain bearable.

But it hurts. Everything hurts. Her head and her chest and she doesn't thing she will ever have the energy to stand up again.

She's shaking and shivering and she really wants to end this now. She wants to take the last dose of the pills and then it would be finally over and she doesn't just think about her pain, but everyone else's. If her heart would stop the killers would be gone, Simon's, Kate's and Josh's fighting would stop, Deena's scared expression would disappear, there wouldn't be danger anymore and then they wouldn't have to fear for their lives.

Sam isn't sure if she sees it right or if it's just her eyes tricking her but she sees a shadow behind Deena approaching them.

She tries to call out Deena's name but she's so weak that all she can get out is a quiet mumble so she tries to reach out to Deena even if it causes her so much pain.

Deena is very focused on the watch on her wrist that she just shakes Sam's hands off her but Sam still doesn't give up because the black shadow is still approaching them.

"Behind... behind you!" She was finally able to get it out and Deena hears it this time.

Deena quickly turns around and instantly screams because Skull Mask is behind her, his knife held high.

She tries to move further away from him, shielding Sam with her body. They don't have enough time to stand up and run because Skull Mask is already on his knees in front of Deena, trying to stab her but the girl uses all her strength to held his hands back.

"Sam, go! Go!" Deena screams. She's now on her back with Skull Mask on top of her.

Sam is still sitting a feet away from them, frozen. She can't think clearly. She can barely stand on her own legs, she won't have any chance if she chooses to fight with the serial killer. The only thing that's on her mind is to keep Deena safe and the only way to do that if she dies. She quickly looks around trying to find a way to kill herself as fast as possible but the only way to do that if she lets Skull Mask do it.

Deena is still struggling under the serial killer, yelling at Sam to run.

So Sam does, because the killers are after her, she needs to lead them away from her friends. She gets up so fast that it makes her dizzy but she doesn't let anything stop her. She starts running through a corridor and looks back just in time to see Skull Mask's knife stabbing Deena in the chest.

"No." She whispers to herself. She can't move, she's completely numb and before she can even blink twice the knife is already stabbing Deena in the stomach now, for the second time.

It's like she was stabbed at the same time Deena was. It hurts just the same to see her lover laying there, helpless.

She's looking straight at Deena who's looking back at her mouthing 'go'.

But Sam can't make herself to move. Her whole focus is on Deena's pained face, blood spilling out of her mouth.

Skull Mask looks up from Deena and spots Sam and he's after her in an instant, leaving Deena, like she wasn't even there at all. Like she didn't mean anything at all.

Skull Mask is running after her but Sam's eyes are still glued to Deena.

Suddenly she feels a hand grabbing her own, dragging her with them. They run through three corridor before they hid behind a counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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