Chapter 6. It's Kicking!

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Note: HI! Hello. First, I hope you are enjoying the story!!
Second, English is not my first language, so if there's some mistakes... I'm sorry :')


"Adrien, we don't use bad words in this household"
"Sorry. It's just... UGHHH it's the 20th time I do it and still I can't play it correctly."
Adrien was practicing a little bit of piano. Activity that helped him to focus and improve his skills. He usually plays when nobody's in the room but this time, Marinette wanted to watch him. It was that or going back to work. And working didn't sound so exciting.
"My lady, are you sure you don't wanna do anything else? It must be boring watching me doing this over and over." He stopped playing.
"The baby likes your music. She won't stop moving" she giggled. "Besides, I enjoy watching you while you play." She said hugging the pregnancy pillow she was sitting with.
"Is she moving?" Adrien got closer to his wife and sat beside her.
"Well, now she's not. She moves when she hears music." She kissed his cheek and encouraged him to keep playing. "Why don't you play something else? You've been focusing in that piece too much."
"Okay. Any request?"
"Whatever you feel like playing." He stood up and sat again at the piano.
They had a room only for it. It was very big with a beautiful window that let a perfect view to the Eiffel tower.
Then, the first notes started to fill the room, making Marinette recognize the song instantly.
"That's our song!" She exclamed.
The song they grew up dancing with. First in Chloe's birthday, then in New York. And so many other places. It was special for them. He loved to play it.
What she didn't know was that he played it in his room when he was younger, when they weren't even dating. But it always gave him comfort and warm.
She started humming silently the song while he kept moving his fingers over the keyboard.
"This man truly has a gift for music." Tikki said.
"Yes, he does." Marinette smiled while sitting beside him at the piano bench.
Then she felt something hitting her stomach. It didn't hurt but... was it...
"It's kicking!" She said silently not wanting to disturb him.
But then he finished the song.
"What did you say?"
"She's kicking! Look! Look!" She lifted her shirt a little bit so he could see it clearly. "Here. She is kicking here."
He turned excited to his wife and touched the round belly trying to feel it. But nothing...
"I think she stopped." He was upset. Clearly.
"It will happen again, Adrien, don't be sad" She tried to be serious but it was useless, she laughed leaning into his shoulder while he kept playing more and more songs.


"Let's go Tikki." She said being as quiet as possible so Adrien didn't notice her sneaking out.
"Tikki, spots on" and then, miraculously, the belly disappeared and Ladybug felt light again, like a feather. "Much better"
She then jumped off the window and headed directly to a special rooftop. A roof she took time to decorate and prepare for a special night. All the kwamis indeed helped her.
She opened the magic yoyo and with some new tricks she learnt with the past of the years she made appear a picnic tablecloth full of food, with a cute lightning that left the place seeming much more private and personal.
The thing is that, it was the last day of vacation for Adrien, the next day he had to go back to work again, even though he didn't want to. So Marinette wanted to make something special.
In fact, she always wants to do special things. It doesn't have to be huge surprises. Just some quality time to spend with each other. That was more than enough.
"Okay, everything ready!" She headed back home to find Adrien sitting at the piano again, practicing that piece he couldn't do before. This time it was perfect.
Ladybug appeared at the window, listening to him, waiting for him to notice her.
"Wow, ladybug, what are you doing here? Is there an akuma? What do you need from me?" He exaggerated provoking her laugh.
"Adrien Agreste, here's the cat miraculous. You'll use it for the great of good. Once the job is done, you'll return the miraculous back to me." She acted.
"Oh, ladybug, this is too much for me..."
"You prefer the snake miraculous? You looked so hot being bald." She laughed so hard because both knew he didn't look good on it.
"Ha-ha. Not funny Ladybug."
"So, keep playing, handsome bald-boy. I'm listening."
"Someone's going to sleep in the couch tonight."
"And it's not going to be me. Pregnant ladies must be comfortable at all times."
"Oh!!! You are pregnant?? Ladybug?? And who's the father? Cat noir?" He got in the role really good.
"Oh, yes. It's been a secret for so long, but don't tell anyone, I trust you."
"I don't know... maybe you'll have to pay me in exchange if you want me to keep my mouth shut."
Ladybug entered the piano room and leaned beside Adrien.
"And what is that thing you want?" She asked seductively.
"What about a kiss from a superheroine?"
"Adrien! You are married! and I am too!"
He bursted in laughs not being able to keep role playing.
"Come on, bugaboo, it's just a peak"
"You'll get your kisses, kitty. But you have to follow me first."
She jumped out the room followed by a fast "claws out" and a green flashlight. She was excited because that roof was meaningful for them. It was the place she broke his heart once. But the place he broke her heart too. It turned out to be special, because thanks to that moment, they could get together later.
"Here we are." She whispered.
"This is the roof... that roof."
"Yeah... but this time's different. I made something for us."
"You prepared a date for us?"
"Well, now that we are still two, guess we have to enjoy it." She grabbed his hands while holding his gaze, full of love, shine, and tenderness. He squeezed her hands back with a smile.
"You always know what to do to cheer me up." He placed a hand behind her neck and kissed her gently.

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