mordicai and twilight are a happy couple and theyve been partners for years. "twilight lets have a nice picnic" said mordicai "i would love to" said twighlight they have a romantic picnic set up by mordicai " this food is delisious" said twilight. "im glad you like it" said mordicai. they start having a nice conversation and one thing leads to another and they start singing they loved to sing and it was one of their favorite things to do. then out of nowhere shadow apears with his leather jacket and shades. "sup mordicai" said shadow in a deep toned voice " oh hey shadow me and twilight were just having a picnic." moricai always had a love hate relationship with shadow they were good friends but mordicai was always jelous of shadow because of his coolness and tight butt. shadow starts to smirk a twilight and then proseeds to ride away on his moter cycle. mordicai gets a call from benson to come into work right now or hes fired. so he says goodbye to twilight and walks to work twilight asked herself is this what i really want?\