Art Contest #1; Draw Any of my ocs (Entries / winners on next page)

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1). Don't steal other's art

2). Make it appropriate; no inappropriate art pls

3). When done, tag me to ur entry

4). If you get confused abt something just ask me :)

5). DO NOT FORGET EACH DRAGONS' SPECIAL FEATURES ( each of my ocs have at least one thing different from other dragons of there tribes )


1). You can draw as many as u want

2). You can have them doing anything as long as its appropriate

3). You can draw whoever of my ten ocs

4). DUE ON OCTOBER 1ST AT 12:00pm


1st place: Full body x2, headshot x5, x2 things from adopt book

2nd place: Full body x1, x2 headshot , x1 free adopt

3rd place: x1 headshot

Entries will be put on the next page
Have fun!

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