Chapter Fifteen

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Dominic's POV

--- June ---

It has been a few weeks since Vera informed both Kara and me about what happened at that graduation party. While I had completely rationalized finding that kid and beating the absolute shit out of him...I knew Vera needed me more. I had called a friend, a lawyer, and discussed if legal action was an option. With it being a high school party, everyone being intoxicated, and the fact that the little shit did it in a crowd of people, very little could be done. We talked to Vera about it, she decided to file a report and let the police handle it, volunteering a testimony if need be. Vera and I had a few conversations about it, she seemed to open up a lot more with me than she did with the cops and Kara. She kept telling me that it was his words that messed her up so bad and that she hadn't told him to stop while they were dancing. I tried to reassure her in every day, telling her that not saying "no" isn't a "yes", and that the things he had said were far from the truth. I just hope she believed me.


I watched from my office window as Vera slowly and cautiously dipped her toe into the pool water. She hated cold water, refusing to go near the pool if it's not dangerously hot out. She wore a bikini, the waistband of the bottoms riding on top of her hips, giving me a perfect view of her perky tan ass. Her head peeked up to where I was standing, a mischievous smirk appearing on her lips. I watched as she made a show of walking up to the diving board, tugging the bottoms up more and shaking her ass slightly before making the dive. I bit my lip, wanting to leave my work behind and join her in the pool. 

"Dom?" I turned to find Kara standing in the doorway. "Did she get in, finally?" She asked, coming up beside me to look down, completely oblivious to my dirty reasons for spying on her sister. 

"Yeah, even used the diving board. I think she's really starting to feel better." I replied, wrapping my arm around her waist to help seal my excuse. 

"Good..." Kara hummed, looking up at me with last night's makeup. She had worked a double night shift, not getting home until 9:30 am. "I think you help, you guys have been doing really good lately and it shows. I'm glad the era of you guys hating each other is over."

"Me too." I agreed, hoping the conversation wouldn't lead to Kara assuming Vera sees me as a father figure, which made me feel all kinds of gross. 

"Well," Kara sighed. "I'm gonna shower and head to bed, they have me on this shift for the next few days." I nodded, kissing her temple before letter her go. I used to get really upset when Kara and I would go days and sometimes weeks without touching each other, now...I'm not that mad. I know Kara and I together wasn't Vera's favorite thing, so us being in a "no sex rut" has aided Vera and me a lot. 

I tried to focus on my work. Really, I did. But then Vera started playing music and dancing around on the patio. I loved the sight, probably more than I should have, so I went down. I made us both a margarita, grabbing my old bong from the garage and cleaning it out. 

"What's this?" Vera sang out as I walked outside holding a bong and two drinks. "For me?" She giggled, taking the drinks to free up my hand.

"Perks of having a high fence." I joked, letting my hand graze her hips as I walked behind her. I sat the bong down on the ground between two lounge chairs, plopping down on one. "You're a little tease, ya know."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." She sat down across from me, sipping her drink and licking her lips. "I got a little spooked when I looked up and saw Kara standing with you." Her voice was quieter, almost sounding ashamed. 

"So did I, but she has no clue. She just assumed I was looking to see if you would get in the water, not watching you shake your ass for me." I leaned forward, taking her into a kiss, knowing that my bedroom windows face the street. She melted into me, supporting herself on my knees. I grabbed her hips, pulling her on top of my lap and taking a handful of her ass. She moaned into the kiss, making me more than rock hard. A smirk formed on my lips when she started grinding into me, she knew what she wanted and that was her telling me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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