- X - I Need to Die -

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Kate pulled up in front of the Grab & Bag store where Simon worked and everyone got out the back of the ambulance. Simon wandered off to the back of the store where the pharmacy stuff was kept, returning with several bottles of pills. "A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which ingested too much of a certain substance." He looked at you, remembering your conversation over lunch; you gave him a small smile and a subtle thumbs up, so he shook it off mentally and continued. "He was dead for two minutes. But..." he drummed on the table, "We got him back!" Deena looked to Kate, "Kate, it's time for your close up." You internally rolled your eyes.

She nodded, uncapping some of the many bottles in front of her and dumping them out onto the counter. Simon looked at Sam, sternness shadowing his expression, "You need to take these in order. Pile one," he separated some of pills from the other, pushing them into their own little island, "takes the edge off. You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn." He grinned. Kate dumped out more. "Pile two brings your core temp way down." He gestured to the newly formed pile urgently, "You may feel slightly sick. That's normal." Kate dumped out the rest, and Simon separated those ones too, "Now you need to take a five minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, okay? Pile three brings you down and out, so you gotta take that 'take five' or it's all gonna go to shit!"

"How many of these do we have?" Kate asked, holding a handful of EpiPens. "Tons. Like a thousand." Deena grabbed Sam's hand defensively. "Wait- EpiPens?" Simon grinned almost sadistically, "Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline! This is what brings her back! This is Jesus!" Sam sighed, unsure if this was really going to work or not.

Deena drew an X over Josh's chest with Sam's blood carefully. "Sam's blood marks the spot." She chuckled a little. She hugged him tightly. You felt a ping of guilt about what you had said earlier "What if Josh died? Would you mourn? Would you care?" Josh broke the hug and gave her a nod of reassurance.

      Sam stood in front of you, Simon, and Kate, wrapping her hand in a bandage after she cut it open to get the blood. "You guys remember how half an hour ago you wanted to murder me?" You looked at the ground. "You don't have to do this. You can leave." Every instinct you had told you to, but any sense of logic and heart you had told you to stay. "Remember when you decided to sacrifice yourself for us?" Kate asked, "We're ending this together." Simon pat her shoulder, "Die well, my friend." She turned to leave but you grabbed her arm. "Sam, I'm... I'm sorry, I was angry, and I know that doesn't excuse my actions, but... I feel horrible." She nodded, "It's okay. I understand. And don't worry, I probably would've said the same thing in your shoes." She pulled you into a hug and pat your back. You smiled and sighed, still nervous that she didn't really forgive you.

      "We got back door patrol." Simon pointed to Josh and pulled him away from the group. "Hey!" Kate stopped them, grabbing Josh and pulling him in for a kiss. He stumbled back and touched his lips, still shocked. Kate turned and brought you with her, "I'll run interference up here with my girl." She draped an arm around you.

      "Wait! Simon- please be safe." You jogged over to him and held his shoulders. He bent down for a kiss but you shook your head. "After we both make it out." He nodded solemnly and turned to leave with Josh, placing a hand on his shoulder. Josh put a hand back on his, proud of himself. "Nice one dude." You heard Simon say as you and Kate rounded the corner.

      "Okay. I got stock room." Simon said to Josh, "You take the emergency exit." Josh shook his head, "Woah! No, no, no. Splitting up is not a good idea at all." Simon scoffed, "But, dude- listen to me. I know that this is all fucked, but... we gotta do this. Kate... she's a crusher. She doesn't have time for most people." Josh nodded sadly, "I know. She's just being nice because we're all probably gonna die." Simon looked at hi,, flabbergasted with his assumption "No!" Simon rolled his eyes, "Okay, well- maybe we are gonna die, but Kate is not nice. She... sees something in you." Josh looked behind Simon, avoiding eye contact. "So?" Simon redirected his attention back to him, "So... see that in yourself, dude. We would not be this far if it weren't for you. Witch nerd. Now we have to keep those psychos away from Sam. So go... man up. And check that exit." Simon turned and left leaving Josh alone with those words.

Thank you, Sarah Fier // Simon Kalivoda x readerWhere stories live. Discover now