1:26 a. m.

785 20 3

(established relationship, domestic, modern setting)

The sixth consecutive hour you spent in front of your computer was just around the corner. The sound of the keys clicking as you maniacally typed your assignment keeping you consentrated on finishing it before your deadline the next day. Eyes getting heavier, you noticed your hands moving involuntarily to the back of your neck as a sign that the lack of an ergonomic set up was making you all the more tired as you strived to finish your last few pages.

Only when you heard the door open did you realize how much time you had spent without taking a single break. Determination overcoming the physical signs of exhaustion, you got back to typing furiously.

'Still up, are you?', you heard in the distance. It was Integra returning to her private chambers after a long day of work.

'Yeah... Just finishing up.... On some essays...', you said in between typing.

'It's late. Come to bed.', she said entering the bedroom where you'd been working.

'Ah. Not yet. I still have a little more work I need to do.'

'(Y/N), it's not healthy to spend so many hours in front of your computer. You need to sleep'. She was tired herself but she still kept her reprimanding tone.

You didn't reply. Instead you maintained focus on the virtual document in front of you, not breaking the sustained rhythm of your laptop keys clicking under your swift fingers.

'Come on. Let's get you to bed'. She came in from behind the chair you had been sitting on, wrapping her hands around you as she bent over you, reading your latest paragraphs. You could feel her long blond hair brushing over your shoulder as she observed your screen from over your shoulder. That's when you looked at her for the first time, finally breaking your concentration from the lines of text in front of you.

You turned your head slightly, eyeing the face of the gorgeous woman beside you. She had already taken off her glasses and her heavy blazer, her signature red necktie loosened, as were the first few buttons of her white shirt, reviling a trail of her golden skin towards her cleavage. You moved your eyes quickly back to the screen so she wouldn't notice you staring down her chest.

'Come on, just save. It'll be waiting for you in the morning'. She starting placing kisses on your neck and on your shoulder, you, sensing her warm breath tingling your skin. She expected this to be the deal breaker for you and your consequent indifference irritated her.

'Mmh. This is my last page.', as she took her hands from around you. You could hear her move away from your desk so you got back to your rapid pace, the sound of the keys being the only sounds to fill the room.

One paragraph from completion, you felt the chair get violently turned around.

'Hey, Integra. What the fuck?! I told you I'm almost do-', you stopped abruptly as you processed the sight in front of you.

There she was, standing in front of you, naked except for her underwear, looking down on you, an annoyed expression on her face.

'What happened, (Y/N)? Cat's got your tongue? Oh, please do finish that last sentence of yours. If, of course, you can spare some time off your precious writing.'

'I- Ah- I'm almost done. I'll be over in bed in a sec.', you rushed out, looking forward to learning her further intentions once you got there.

'I've grown tired of waiting.'

She sat on one of the wide chair's arms, laying her legs gently over yours, holding on to the back of the chair for support. You froze looking up to her, only thinking about not letting your jaw drop.

Hard Work Pays Off (Integra Hellsing x reader)Where stories live. Discover now