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Eraserhead just wanted to go home.

He wanted to go see his husband Toshinori, he wanted a bath. And maybe some sex, he really just wanted his Toshi.

But funny enough HIS Toshi was also the number one hero so it was rare for them to have just one night together.

Eraserhead aka Shota Aizawa was only a small underground hero, and he liked it that way. He loved being a hero, but he's been with his husband since their 1st year at UA and has seen the whole exposure thing and absolutely hates it.

He likes being able to help people without being recognized and thanked publicly. What? He's shy.

And it's not like he doesn't love himself, he thinks he's very handsome but random strangers don't need to tell him that. He hears it enough from the love of his life.

3 loud, overlapped cries stopped his scan of the city below.

"Perfect timing" He ran towards the commotion and couldn't believe his eyes.

It was All Might holding three crying babies in his arms "Eraserhead! Thank goodness, I don't know how I would've responded to this alone."

He stood there with his jaw slack, he'd never seen Toshinori hold or interact with any baby. It was really a sight to behold, Shota came closer and saw three little brown babies with all different hair colors.

Viridian curls so dark they almost looked black, chocolate brown with the tiniest hint of blonde, and the nicest light lavender he'd ever seen.

He is so fascinated with the fact that they definitely all have the same nose. They're definitely siblings but they're all so unique. That's what you get in a world full of quirks.

"There's a note in the bassinet Sho, can you read it pleas- hi baby" Toshinori stops.

That is absolutely not a bassinet but he's going to let it go. He reaches down to look through the basket and finds a folded napkin.

If you find my babies please keep them together, I can't keep up with them due to my situation but please keep this note with them. Always tell them their mama loved them. They will be 4 months in 3 weeks, my oldest boy Hitoshi is a sleeper, he loves his naps but he is very protective over his siblings for a 3 month old. My middle baby Izuku, is the crybaby. He always has tears in his eyes and some strays rolling down his cheeks, but even with his tears he gives the cutest gummie smiles.
And finally the baby of the babies, y/n, my pretty girl. You'd think as 3 month olds they'd just be sleeping and drooling but no, these boys are so protective of this little girl it's funny. The most they can do is give you squinty eyes but they don't like just about anyone touching their baby sister. Take care my babies, mama loves you my 3.

He zoned out for a bit after realizing these babies had no home, no mom or dad, nobody to feed them, or love them and hug them. They had to do something?

The only sound between the two adults being heavy baby breathing and tiny noises. "Sho..."

"What do we do?" Toshinori asked.

Believe it or not, Shota has always wanted kids someday but seeing his husband shush these little ones made his heart flutter. "Shota and Toshinori Yagi sound great" Shota starts, " But Izuku, Hitoshi, and Y/n Yagi sounds even better!"

to be continued~

a/n: hey y'all! I wanted to do something different and this was one of the many ideas I had floating through my brain that I've never seen anyone attempt, so I tried it :D. I plan on being really slow with this series because junior year is eating me alive rn. BUT I hope you lovies had a great day! Also I will die with the eraserhead/all might ship fight me if you want to😛.

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