chapter 12

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I looked around feeling a little over exposed. 
"let's go take this conversation somewhere more private." As we walk into father's office Giovanni whispered "are you sure you want her involved? this could get very dangerous." I looked at Ava who walked in next to me lovingly. "I don't but it is her family that's being held." my baby brother nodded his head in acknowledgement. 
"Giovanni, has he said anything to you or did you overhear something?" Ava was asking him. he nodded his head before answering. 
"I heard Dante say something about who you were dating. he says he doesn't approve." 
"Why? because she's american?" I spoke up finally.
"no. I can't go into specifics but from what I heard it sounded like…" He was nervous, sweating, stuttering, not knowing what to say nervous. 
"Giovanni please." 
"Father is arranging a marriage. For you and a woman of his choosing." Antonio shifted his weight to the other foot obviously not very thrilled about this.
"He should know by now that's not gonna happen." Antonio said moving towards the door.
"You two.. so stubborn." I shared a look with my brother. 
"we.. um we have to get going. it's good seeing you brother." 
"yeah you to." As we walked out Giovanni asked "hey did you mean it earlier?" 
"yeah. In whatever you decide there's a spot for you. in both my business and my mob." I replied then walked out of the building. we climbed into the car where we have a little privacy.
"what are you going to do Antonio?" Ava asked me breaking the silence. 
"I don't know. But I won't go through with it." I told her unable to calm down. 
"Idea.. you can say no but maybe go and talk to her. get her to play along." It's a good idea.
"What if she's playing along with him? I  asked 
"Then we will cross that bridge when it comes. But even if she is minds can be changed." she said. she is right, minds can be changed. I thought for a moment before answering.
"ok I'll do it, I'll talk to her on one condition. you come with me and talk to her with me."
"wait you want me to come and and talk to the women your father is trying to set you up with?"
"yeah. I wouldn't know what to say or how to start."
"Do you know who he would set you up with?" she asked me. This is the last thing I wanted.
"yeah there was Sofia, Lucia, Francesca, but then there was Gaia. My father loved her. He even wanted me to marry her."
"what was she like?" Ava asked me
" well she was difficult,very selfish, But also in a way damaged. 
"who do you think your father is trying to set you up with?" 
"Probably Gaia. I hope it isn't though."
"If you had to choose who would you want to be set up with?"
"Neither. Lucia, Sofia, and Francesca were very nice but in some way they were connected and I don't want that."
"I'll go with you." She told me. realive flooded through my soul. I couldn't help myself but smile. 
"That would be helpful." I said with a smile. my phone rang, I looked at the caller id.
"hello?" I answered.
"Is this Antonio?" the voice answered.
"this is. who is this?" 
"Its Gaia. I don't know if you remember me but Dante gave me your number." she said. 
"Gaia? are you the one Dante is trying to set me up with?" I asked her. There was silence on the other end. 
"yeah I am. I heard you found someone. someone nice and from America."
"yeah. can… can we meet up somewhere?" 
"yeah sure. our old coffee shop?" she asked me. Ava nodded her head in agreement.
"yeah sounds good. Are you busy tomorrow?" 
"No tomorrow would be perfect. How does around 11 sound?" 
"great." I replied. We hung up the phone. 
"Do you think she'll agree to this?" Ava asked 
"Maybe. What if she wants to marry me? what if… What if she planned this with Dante?" 
"then when and if it comes to that then we will handle it. but if she does end up helping us then great. she might know of a way to take Dante down." 
"Ava? what are you thinking?" I asked I saw the wheels turn in her head.
"just the mind changing thing." 
"and you have an idea?" she nodded her head.
"I would like to talk to Matteo. see if he'll likely switch sides." she told me. 
"I'm thinking he would. but what made you think of him?" 
"Because I remember him the most when Dante abducted me. He could have tried to kill me, beaten me whatever he could have done but he didn't. Instead he helped us he was nothing like Dante. Because I believe we can offer more than your father." she said. I thought about it for a moment. 
"yeah he might change sides. Driver, we need to make a stop." I said really thinking this through.  We stopped in front of Matteo's house and walked towards the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. I looked over at Ava and who shifted from one foot to another. 
"Are you nervous mi amore?" I asked her. 
"yeah kinda. not about seeing Matteo or talking to him but… I keep thinking about the letter." Before I could ask her what she meant, the door opened revealing my brother Matteo. 
"Antonio, Ava what a surprise!" 
"Hello brother, we would like to have a word with you." He stepped aside and let us in.
"So what do you need?"
"I got a letter from my father. He says Dante abducted my two older sisters." she was saying.
"Do you have the letter?" Matteo asked. Ava reached in her bag and pulled it out. She handed the envelope to Matteo. He read the letter.
"Well this is interesting." Matteo said, continuing reading the letter. 
 "Why do you say interesting?" I asked him. 
"Ava I know your father. When your older sister was born your father wanted out, he got out before though dante… my father warned him threatened him saying if he tried anything something was gonna happen. He didn't believe my father and walked out, moved to California, and raised three girls.  Now what's interesting is.. this isn't your father it's mine. He became a master at forgery." 
"so your saying Dante forged my fathers writing and wrote this?" Ava asked
"what was it you needed help with?" 
"Dante needs to be taken down but we can't do that without my own mob."
"So you've come to ask me to help you take down father? and you're building your own mob?"
"Yeah and we would like to offer you a spot in my mob and my business." 
Matteo thought for a moment before speaking. 
"And you're sure about this? About everything?''
"yeah absolutely." I answered. He thought about our offer some more. We sat in silence for a while longer. I watched Ava look this place over in awe.
"damn this house is beautiful." she whispered. Matteo stood up from his chair and looked at us.
"ok I'm in."

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