Elizabeth Prologue 1

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***please read description for some background.

Dedicated to the people who found faults within my books. Congratulations. You were absolutely right.


Elizabeth Road sat, swinging her legs, on the old wooden bench outside of her house. To her, the house was huge, as we're most things to a ten year old, but to an adult, the house was quite small, holding inside of it only four rooms, and the forest surrounding it only made it seem smaller.

Elizabeth sat patiently, staring into the forest, and waited. She was waiting for her father, who was inside, helping her mother give birth to her soon-to-be youngest sibling. The baby apparently wanted to be born early, and she prayed that it would be healthy. Up until now, Elizabeth had grown up alone, an only child, and she wanted the new addition to be a girl.

Unfortunately, until her father or Mrs. Gritta, the nursemaid, came outside to get her, she was stuck outside, and out of the way.

'No!' Thought Elizabeth to herself, 'I'm not in the way because I can't be in the way when I play the greatest role out of all of them! I'm a knight! I've gotta protect my house and my family from the monsters out in the forest.'

"Grrrraaaaaaa!" She shouted, jumping down from her bench. She then proceeded to grab a fallen stick, and wave it around like a sword, viciously fighting the monsters who attacked her from every side. She dodged, and bounded. She was brave. She was strong. She was unstoppable.

Then, the large hand of a giant set itself on her shoulder, causing her to jump, and turn to face her confronter.

Her father smiled down at her and told her to come inside. It was time to meet her sisters.

He the knight's hand, and guided her to her parent's room, where Elizabeth's mother sat on the bed, holding two baby bundles. She had given birth to twins. Mrs. Gritta stood next to her, smiling proudly.

Elizabeth laughed. After all, what else could she do? She ran to her mother, and hugged her, mindful of the babies.

"Hold out your hands," said her mother, and Mrs. Gritta helped place one of the babies into the Elizabeth's custody. The baby was heavy, but the strong knight didn't complain, nor want to put it down. Instead, she hugged the baby closer, and maybe it was just her, but she thought she saw it smile.

The adults started talking and whispering to one another, and Elizabeth tried to ignore them. She wanted to stay in the happy moment forever, but she found it difficult to ignore her father's worried tones.

"But you've sure that no one saw you leave town? They'd know where you were headed to, and turn us in without a doubt. Especially with the raised reward."

"Don't worry," said Mrs. Gritta, "I made sure to leave when no one was around. The only person who knows I'm here is Mr. Gritta, and he loves this family just as much as I do." She winked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth cleared her throat. "Do we have to run now?" She asked.

"Oh, honey, not yet. We're going to rest first. The probobes won't find us if we hide for a little bit longer." Said her mother. Elizabeth nodded, and her father took the baby from her.

"Do you want to know what we named them?" He asked her."I'm surprised you haven't asked yet."


Her father's eyes glistened, holding a surprise. "Well," he said, pointing to the baby in his wife's arms, "we named that one Eden, because you've learning about the Bible in school, but we were so surprised when we saw another baby, that we couldn't' think up another name. Do you think that you could think up a responsible name for her?"

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