Mr. Cane Prologue 2

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Mr. Cane was an inventer. He was also a father, which ended up leading him down the path of creating his greatest invention yet: probobes.

They had been an attempt to make his newborn son, Theo, now known as Titan, immortal by keeping his soul in a nearly indestructible body, which would also keep his looks young by making him forever look sixteen, as did all probobes.

Theo was originally supposed to be the only Probobe, until he told his father he was lonely. Mr. Cane created nine more out of orphans he adopted, and they became the first ten. They were loyal to him, knowing their existence as trapped souls, and were always at his right side.

When World War III hit in the year 2064, Mr. Cane used his probobes as weapons, upgrading them to be fighters. Countries bowed to him in awe of their power. The U.S. was losing with no allies, and offered him a place as their president if he would fight for them and help them win the war. He agreed, but to a condition: The citizens of the U.S. would offer him 100 newborns to be turned into probobes, and used as an army. They would continue this every year with any random fifty babies born before collection day: September first.

Desperate to end the war, they agreed, making Mr. Cane president at the age of 34 in the year 2074.

Not all probobes were loyal to the newly appointed President Cane, however, and in 2079, a rebellion started, and was beaten by those loyal to President Cane. However, doubting the loyalties, he started his army over, shutting down all probobes but the first ten. The rebellion was named Spider's Rebellion after the Probobe who started it, Spider, who didn't agree with the keeping of souls in fake bodies. President Cane vowed never to make the same mistake again by telling the probobes that they have souls, or even feelings, and instead told the next generation that they were just advanced robots with opinions. Nothing more. A law was passed so that only the fifty newest babies born before collection day would be collected. It was harder for them to remember what feelings were like then.

His efforts were valiant, but useless in some cases. Some of the older-born babies still remembered strong feelings before being turned into probobes, and were named "faults". Any fault discovered was a potential uprising to President Cane, and he would immediately capture them and burn their body and soul in hopes to hide any evidence that they were there. He was driven mad by his last failure to keep order, and obsessed over not letting anyone see him fail again, even if it meant deleting all records of the incident from government files. He kept back-up files in his personal computer, however. He didn't want to let himself forget his motives.


2090 A.D.

The door opened with a whooshing noise, the air-lock decompressing quickly. Titan walked proudly into the presidential office, his shoulders broad and his body tall. He was quite handsome, taking the form of his genetic 16 year old self (as all probobes do) to be kept forever young.

"Hey dad," he greeted his father, who sat at the large desk, typing on an advanced computer. "We finished the rounds, and all one hundred are being converted as we speak. They'll be complete within a week, as usual. There was a little bump, but now everything's moving smoothly. End report."

Cane didn't look up, even when he stopped typing. He sighed, and stared at the old pictures of his young family sitting on his desk. Titan raised an eyebrow; he's seen that look on his father's face many times before, and it was never good. He stayed standing, and crossed his arms.

"Alright, spit it out. What's going on?" He huffed, angry at his father's hesitantness. His father sighed again.

"I've received news about probobes being assembled in China. I don't know how-"

"You mean they figured out how to keep souls?"

"No!" Shouted Cane. "They STOLE the instructions from me! No one can figure the method out! They stole it! They had to!"

Titan held his ground. Why was his dad so worked up?

"Ok, so you think that they stole a file from us."

"I don't think. I know, and they're building an army as we speak! An army bigger than mine! Theo," he always called him that when he thought of Titan as a child again, "it's not safe here. They could attack us any day, and I don't want you here when they do. You have to go to Africa, where you'll be safe from them. I'm sorry I've failed you."

Titan mentally shook his head at his father's ridiculousness, a characteristic he gained shortly after Spider's Rebellion.

"Dad, did you take your medicine today?"

"Of course!"

"I can tell if you've lying, remember? You built me?"

"Alright! Fine. I finished the bottle a couple days ago. But I was planning to get more! And please, you HAVE to take me seriously! You have to leave, or else you've in danger! I'll even send half of the ten, so you won't be lonely."

Titan concidered this. His father was obviously off the deep end, and wild regret the division later- but time alone with his friends in Africa? An open wilderness for him to explore and endless time to do whatever he wanted to? It was too good for pass up. But how would his father fare left alone to run a country?

"Make it eight of the ten," he said, "and I'll even go without complaint. And you have to promise to be on your medication every day. Got it?"

Cane nodded. "I'll keep Corbin and Rebecca then."

"Fine. Don't forget what I said about your medication." Titan shook hands with his father, and walked back out the door, the air lock whooshing behind him.

'Bout' time I got out of this joint,' he thought.


Ahh! Ok I just tried to fit two books worth of prequels into one page. Yikes. I don't think that worked out too well. Eh. I'll revise it later, because I'm tired and I just want to post another chapter. This one is a little short, but I'll fix that along with everything else. This is to just give you guys a glimmer of what kind of characters Cane and Titan are, even though you won't see much of Titan until the sequal I plan on writing: Destiny. He's just kind of there to help guide you through the mystery that is his father, for now.

So far, I have a whooping total of 1 person whose read my story! Yay!!!!! This is actually a big deal for me, no joke. Thanks so much to that person! I really appreciate the read!

Alright, that's all for now!

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