Chapter 9 part 2 Isn't this lovely.

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 Your eyes shot open at the sound of your name. Your heart pounded as your lungs clawed at you for air.

You groaned rolling over in your bed. 


Yes, that's where you were.

At your house, in your...bed.

You heard a giggle, 

"Oh my Y/n, always so eager to get out from bed." You turned to see your mother. E/c orbs staring at you, in a loving way. How strange.

"Mama?" You said, voice horse seeing you had just woken up. "Yes dear?" She responded sitting next to you on your bed. "What are you doing here?" you said trembling. "You left years ago."

"Oh honey, you must have had a nightmare, I'd never leave you." She said stroking your cheek.

Her hands were cold.

"Now, breakfast is ready, get out of bed silly." She laughed ruffling your hair, then exiting the room.

"Right, a nightmare." You said to yourself getting out of bed and making your way downstairs. When you finally got down to the dining room/ kitchen, Your mother was setting down a plate of F/f.

You smiled at the nostalgic scent and look of the dish. You began to eat.

Weird, there was barely a taste. You shook it off. You were tired. That was all.

"So? Any plans for today love?" Your mother asked looking, or rather staring into your eyes.

"I don't really know. Maybe I'll just stay in bed, and read." You managed to say through a mouthful of food.

Weird, the food was looked like it steaming, yet it felt cold.

"Oh, well F/n called today, and asked if you wanted to hang out later today." Your mother said, folding her hands together and placing her chin on top of them.

"Oh ok, let me call them and tell them I'm free-" you said standing up to get the house phone. Your mother grabbed your wrist, sitting you back down her grasp on you cold and tight. "Don't worry dear I already did." She said smiling in an off putting way. "Oh ok." you said quietly and finished your food.

"I'm going to go take a shower mama, i love you." You said running upstairs to your room. "Alright." She smiled, eyes following you all the way up the stairs. 

How strange, she never even touched her food.

When you got into your room, you noticed a strange book on your bed. You read the title. Impermanence. "Sounds familiar." You whispered you flipped through the pages all blank, except for the last one. È una bugia.

"It's a lie? What's that supposed to mean?" You thought. 

You brushed it off and threw the book into the trash and got into the shower.

Time skip brought to you by Pepto bismol.~

You had gotten out of the shower and sat down on your bed. You felt something under you. You stood up and picked up a zipper?

You didn't own anything that looked similar to it. Attached by a string was a note that said. "Remember."

"Weird" you said. Throwing away the note, keeping the zipper, you thought it was cute.

To pass the time you decided to read a book. You picked one from your bookshelf and sat down. You opened it up, the words were blurry. How strange.

"Y/N!! F/N is here love!" your mother called from downstairs. "Coming!" You called back. Forcing your shoes onto your feet, you ran downstairs.

"Have fun dear." Your mother kissed your cheek. "Here, buy something nice." She handed you a wad of money. (mmm munny nice.) 

"Thanks?" you said as she practically pushed you out the door. 

"Ready to go cool cat?" F/n said wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

Their E/c orbs were not as warm as usual.

"Yeah!" you said. And with that you were on your way.

Time skip brought to you by my non-existent cat.~

You returned home with several shopping bags in your hands, F/n insisted that you "Needed a makeover." 

"Mama! I'm home!" you called walking into the dining room. 

There your mother sat, eyes closed contently as she drank something from a mug.

"Welcome home dear." She said looking at you.

This was your mother right?


Yes IT was your mother.

So tell us dear mother.

why are your eyes red?


Hey! My computer got fixed :3 so I'm back! Hope this wasn't too long or short. I had quite some fun writing this chapter! I hope you enjoyed! If possible updates will happen every Saturday or Sunday, but we'll see. Stay hydrated and rest well! Love ya, and thanks for reading!


Cursed advice: Lick a worm.

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