1. Forward By Me, Cassie

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I write this many years later. As some sort of treatment and coming to terms with what had happened the fateful night in August in the Irish countryside. I write this now as the drama dies down and we all come to terms with what happened and the discovery of a world that we all thought, including myself, was just the stuff of fairytales that our parents and grandparents told us when we were children. And I have to admit, when I first found out about who I was and who I am descended from, I thought it was some sort of sick joke one of my brothers played on me.

I also didn't want to believe it as well. I'm a woman of science for God's sake. I'm an athiest. I trust science over all else. I didn't need a friggin fairytale telling me how to live my life. My mam was an atheist, I'm an atheist, my nieces and nephews are athiests. Magic didn't exist. It was the stuff of fairytales, only found in stories. Not in real life.

I also hate to admit, that because of my stuborness, we lost a lot more than we could have. If I hadn't been so reluctant to admit what was staring at me right in the face, many people would still be alive. And because of my selfishness and reluctance to admit what was right in front of me. We lost a lot of lives that day.

I have to admit that the world of the supernatural wasn't something that came easy to me. Finding out that I come from a long line of witches dating all the way back to the Kingdoms of Israel and Judeah. Somehow intermixing with their Roman overlords. Somehow, somewhere among the sands of time, the Gaelic Druids of Ireland got in there as well. Going throughout the Roman Empire, my ancestor's made their way to Poland. Only after the Holocaust did they make their way back to Ireland. Though the stories of our time had been passed down through the generations. And in some circles, the Rosenthal name means a lot depending on who you talk to in this wretched world. And I guess, that means a lot to some people. Though I still struggle to actually acknowledge this. How can one family become so powerful is up to your interpretation. But apparently possessing the powers of fire, water, earth, air, shadow, light, and more is not common in the magical community.

What you're reading now is my story. And how I, inadvertently, ending up exploding several fairy mounds in rural Ireland, (which may or may not have gotten me fined an extremely large amount because it's been drilled into every Irish child that 'YOU CAN'T HARM THE FAIRY MOUNDS!') and how my friends and I showed the world the truth of magic that was right under everyone's noses. That somehow scared people more than the fact that a teenager from Dublin was able to move the earth in one wave of her hand, causing mountains to move and trees to sway. The world was much stranger, and much more interesting that we as humans had ever thought possible due to my accident that made international news all over the globe, apparently reaching family members as far away as New Zealand.

My name's Cassalyn-Jayne Anya Rosenthal-Abeccassis. My mam Clara's Irish from Dublin and my grandmother, Anya Rosenthal, her mother was a Holocaust Survivor from Krakow and my dad Daniel Spector's from Toronto, Canada, whose own father stormed the Beaches of Normondy on D-Day with the Candian Armed Forces and liberated most of the Netherlands as well. I'm technically a Banshee and I was forced to tell people what I knew about the world of magic, elves, fairies, and more. This is my story about my stupidity that costed many people their lives because of my stubbornness. I hope you enjoy the total work of fiction (hint, hint, wink, wink) that is this novel. And I envy that you didn't have to experience the horror that my friends and I experienced that night in July.

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