A Rift In Relationships

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When nighttime came,Marinette returned to her home and she went to her room where Nooroo reunited with the other kwamis.

Marinette:Its really great to have you here,Nooroo.

Someone knocked on Marinette's door.

Sabine:Marinette,Adrien is here to see you.

Adrien:I could come back tomorrow if she's asleep or not up for company.

Marinette opened her door and she saw her mom and Adrien.


Adrien:Hey Marinette.

Sabine:I'll be helping Tom close the bakery for the night.Just let me know if there is anything you need.

Adrien:Thanks but I just wanted to see Marinette.

Adrien entered Marinette's room while Marinette sat on her seat.

Marinette:I wasn't expecting you to visit tonight.

Adrien:I am not just here to visit.Is it alright if I spent the night here?I have an important reason for it.

Marinette:You don't need a "important reason" to spend the night with me.You
are my boyfriend.You are welcome here anytime.

Adrien:Thanks Marinette.

Marinette:Out of curiosity,what is the important reason you wanted to spend the night here?

Adrien:Just an hour after you and I defeated Lila,Nathalie and my father was released from prison.


Adrien:While you and I were dealing with Lila,my mom was busy talking to the court if there was anyway my father and Nathalie could be released anytime this year and she found out they were going to be released today because of parole.

Marinette turned on the news on her computer.Marinette and Adrien saw
Nadja Chamack standing by a group of protesters.

Nadja Chamack:It has been only not many hours since Ladybug and Chat Noir have defeated The New Hawkmoth and there is word that Gabriel Agreste,the original Hawkmoth, is being released from prison along with Nathalie Sancoeur,who was Mayura.We've learned that both of them were meant to serve eight years but have served four years instead due to parole.Some of the protesters here have stated that four years is not enough for Gabriel and Nathalie to serve time for their crimes as the original Hawkmoth and Mayura.Emilie Agreste is now talking to Gabriel as we speak and there is no sign of their son Adrien.

Marinette:I'm guessing you weren't up to seeing your dad.

Adrien:Definitely not.Not after everything he done when he had the butterfly miraculous.

Nadja Chamack:As for Lila Rossi,who was The New Hawkmoth,she is currently in custody awaiting for her trial.The protesters here have also stated that when she gets sentenced,
they hope it will be for a much longer time than Gabriel and Nathalie's time in prison.Lila's trial is suppose to take place tomorrow and the sentencing is also suppose to occur on the same day.

Adrien:Tomorrow night,I suppose to be at the mansion having a dinner with my family.

Marinette:By family you mean...

Adrien:My mom and dad.Nathalie is suppose to be there to.


Adrien:My mom was the one who came up with it.She wants us to be a family again and I tried to talk her out of it but she was too stubborn to change her mind.I've should've known that I couldn't talk her out of it.

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