The Bone Yard

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"Hey, Madd's! Party at the bone yard see you there k?" John B yells to me as he exits his house. I'm laying in the hammock with one leg out and I have a hat covering my face. "What? Nooo we had surfing plans" I moan hopping he will give in and not go to the party, "yea but those can be rescheduled, this only happens once a year come on M..." he begs me to the point where I finally lift the hat off my face with my hand and squint at him "fine" he punches the air like he just won a thousand bucks"yes" he runs back inside to change letting the screen door slam behind him causing me to fully wake up. I slowly get out of the a hammock but I only make it to a seated position. I rub my eyes, as if I was a vampire in hibernation. "Shit, Rafes gonna be there..." I started pacing my eyes back and forth at the ground observing all the little rocks in the dirt, I feel my stomach turning and twisting remembering what happened last summer between us, it was only a one time thing I told him, but what if I can't control my feelings this time... what if I sleep with Rafe Cameron... again.

"John b!" I yell tapping my foot on the ground "come on! I swear when it comes to getting ready to go out you certainly take your time!" "Don't rush me!" He says while opening his door "all of this, takes time" he says with a smile on his face while he roams his body with his hands, we both luagh and he throws me the keys, I jog out the door and hop into the Twinkie and get it started. "Aha!" John b says while hopping into the van "are you ready" I smirk at him "he'll yea!!" We both start smiling uncontrollably and I peel out of the dirt drive way, leaving a big woosh of dirt behind us.

We get to the party and it's loaded with people. I see kei and pope trying to flirt with different people, Sarah with topper dancing around a small bonfire they made, about 50 tourists, 39 people from school that I know, 20 kooks, and a butt load of pogues. "Man that's a lot of people, so are you ready to mingle..." John b is most definitely excited to find me a man cause he says I spend to much time alone... watching tv... or sitting in the sand alone at the beach. "Ugh you do this every time we go to a party!" I say slouching exaggerating the fact that I don't need or want a guy "oh come onnnn! There are tons of great guys! Like him! That's Josh he's an athlete, AND he's on the math team!" "The MATH team..." I blink at John b twice like a cartoon character, with my jaw dropped "nope, never, nada, nine" "I mean a mathlete! Come onnnn ew" "look I'm just trying to find you a nice guy" "look I get that but no thanks man" "I'll keep looking but for now go have fun" "ok ok I'll stop bothering you, I'm gonna go make a move on Katie.." "ok big bro" I say laughing, he runs off and fixes his hair and here I am again, alone, I feel the wind brush through my hair and I look towards the ocean, I walk over to it as if it was calling my name. Cheesy but as a little girl with was always my safe place. I sit on a log, when I suddenly hear footsteps...
"John b I told you no more guys!" I say smiling I turn around and it's the one and only Rafe Cameron "oh sorry" I whip my head back around and I gulp scared of what he's doing over here by me. I stare at the ocean hoping he'll go away, I squeeze my legs tighter with my hands in the middle between them. "Hey madds..." he says while smirking "don't call me that only my friends can" "oh what are we not friends?!" He says sarcastically while sitting next to on a log that I found "yea we're not, so don't try and act like you know me cause you don't... last summer was a mistake Rafe now forget about it!" I get up angrily and I start to walk back to the bond fire "wait! I'm sorry come back!" I stop im my tracks and turn around "why should I, your just gonna use me like you did last year!" " I wasn't using you... I actually liked you M" I remember when he used to call me that, when we were little "you did" I ask blushing but refusing to smile, I can not give him that satisfaction "yes I did" he sets his beer down and walks over to me. He puts his hands on my hips and sways them a little to the sound of the faint music in the background, I put my head on his chest and I listen to his heart beat. He hugs me and we sit there for a few minutes until he lifts my chin up and looks me in the eyes. Almost as if he was asking for approval. I pushed him away "I don't want to repeat what happened last summer!" I walk away angrily and he chuckles. "Stupid, handsome, hot, sexy, good at kissing, crazy in bed, girl playing, no good, lovely Rafe." I mumble under my breath as I walk up to the kegs. "How about him!" I here John b say "argh!!" I yell and now I'm headed towards the van. John b has a confused look on his face but ignores it and continues to party.

Ive been sitting in the Twinkie for almost an hour and I started to feel sad that no one came looking for me, like john b my brother, or hell even Rafe. But I was being silly I started to drift off into a deep sleep. I woke up later to an arm around my shoulder and a familiar face, Rafe Cameron. "Ugh what are you doing" I lifted his arm up but he was still asleep. "Rafe wake up." I whispered as I nudged him awake, he woke up with a shocked expression on his face. "Hey are you ok?" "Yea I'm fine?" I was so confused to as of why he sounded concerned about me and my safety I was weirded out so I scooted away from him. "What are you doing in here, not that I don't enjoy the company but why..." "oh um you looked lonely so I came to sit with you, and you also looked cold so I thought 'hey might as well cuddle with her'." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes in a playful way. I hit his shoulder gently but he took it as a romantic way and scooted closer to me. He got closer and closer to the point where i could feel his body brush up against mine and I put a hand on his chest. "Rafe...." I said softly "what, I thought you wanted this?" "I dont want to repeat what happened last summer, we hooked up and when I tried to reach out to you to hangout you brushed me aside like a crumb, I was heart broken Rafe and I don't think you understand that. You cant hook up with me and then ditch me a week later, I want something more than that." "And I'm willing to give you more!" He was begging me at this point, I leaned in for a kiss, we kissed and it was soft and passionate but yet so gentle I pulled away and our foreheads were leaning against each other, I put my head on his chest and sighed "that's just it Rafe... you cant give me what I need, your just not ready to be in that kind of relationship." I stopped hugging him and got out of the car leaving him speechless with a tear running down his cheek. I went over to john B and hugged him and started to cry "hey what's wrong, what did he do?" "No one did anything, I think I just need to go." I stopped the hug and he nodded at me "we're heading out guys!" Everyone groaned with sadness, and we walked away. I wiped my tears and john B kept glancing over at me. "Wanna talk about it" "no but maybe tomorrow"

Ahhhhh come on Rafe show her you can be a better man!! 😩😣

Word count : 1458

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