2. Teams

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Disclaimer I don't own any characters or plot from the movie the internship I only own my own character Skyler Morgan and her contribution to the story

Her outfit ⬆️

Skylers pov

I wake up at 7.30 quickly hop in the shower, blow-dry my hair and get ready for the day. I walk past my baseball cap and decide to put it on maby it will help to not draw attention if I keep my head down. I check to make sure I have everything and head to Google.
When I get there people are already talking trying to make sure to get the best people on there teams. I really don't want to talk through the chaos so I decide to sit on the stairs at the front. I go on my phone to keep my head down and it seems to be working.
I already know I'm going to be in a group with the left overs and I'm used to it so why bother try to make friends
As I'm thinking I see beanie boy sit down a few seats next to me he is also Just on his phone so like me I guess he doesn't care at all.

As soon as we are told to pick our teams all hell brake loose but beanie boy does Stand up and talk to someone with weird eyebrows. Of course dumb and dumber are trying to be cool but then get desperate and hug a random intern to make him stay. It doesn't work. Mr douchebag is just walking round rounding up everyone based on smarts and looks. He really earned his name. But me I just keep my head down and wait.
A guy with glasses talks about how he doesn't have a group so he is stuck with the leftovers that include his 2 charity cases and a troublemaker he says looking at me. Glasses asks us to follow him so we do

He introduces himself a Lyle and tries to be cool and hip but he is just annoying refering to himself in the 3rd person. Wow I want to punch him and I'm not the only one as beanie boy says
"Is Lyle going to refer to himself in the 3rd person because if so I might punch him"
At the same time I say "quit talking like that or I will punch you and you wont be able to talk'
But that gets all the attention on me and him just great.and Lyle just looks straight up confused when he sees me
"Your not supposed to be in here it's interns only"
He asked for it. I simply walk up to him and punch him in the arm. Hard.

"Yeah I'm supposed to be here I'm the troublemaker Mr chetty told you about and if one more person in this room tells me I shouldn't be  here you will find out why"
And that shut everyone on the room up. Eyebrows or now yoyo introduces himself first .Dumber goes in for a high five but yoyo flinches away.
"Were you beat up in school" dam dumb has no filter
"I was home schooled by my mom"
Ok I stopped listening untill beanie boy contributes to the conversation
Great I'm lost with what there talking about but after the really confused look he was getting from dumb and dumber he continued
"Wrong" beanie boy repeated. "The teat or baba thing, it's wrong." He said to dumb. Im just thinking what the hell is this conversation.

Everyone stared at him so he introduces himself "oh yeah I'm Stuart" and with that he returns to slouching on the sofa with his phone.
"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Stuart you know you can't trust everything you read on the-"dumb started only to be cut off
"The journal of the American medical association? Sounds pretty trust worthy, says that breast milk has more nutrients that are more easily digested and absorbed. Your confusion is understandable though you were bottle fed" Stuart said with a sarcastic smile. He is going to be fun to torment I thought and now I have that glint in my eye saying I'm up to no good.

"He's right that's right" yoyo eagerly agrees but now I'm lost how did this conversation happen?

"Wow guys where did all this hostility come from?" Dumber asks no one in particular. I in response just shrug my shoulders hopefully I learn their names soon.
"Where do you think it was coming from you big tree" Stuart sat forward making fun of how insanely tall dumber was. I like the name though it's nicer than dumber."three sevenths of our team are made up of two old guys who don't know anything and a little kid who is probably going to get in the Way and apparently likes causing trouble I don't know about you but I did not come here to babysit."Now I'm mad but I stay silent and just roll my eyes.

"Wow" dumb sighed

"Ok guys." The only other female started " I for one and very happy to have two strapping mature gentleman on the team". It doesn't go unnoticed that she doesn't acknowledge or defend me as well, but I don't care I'm used to it I just sit back with no expression at all on my face.

"Thank you!" Dumb said gratefully.
"Oh I'm Neha by the way oh uh but word to the wise, yeah your "skills" aren't really relevant here or really in this millennium. So stay out of our way we're gonna do this on our own same for you tiny" she says pointing at me "leave this to the big kids". Then smiled and sat down Oh I can't wait to wipe that smile off her face.

" well I'm loving this friction that's how you get a fire started, I'm nick and this is my pal Billy and despite what you may think we're just here just like the rest of you running down a dream." Dumb now nick waved to everyone

Since I have my head down and a baseball cap blocking my face whilst looking at my phone I can only see the floor so when I see trainers standing in front of me I slowly love my head to find all eyes on me.

"What" I ask nick I'm honestly bored at this point
"Are you going to introduce yourself." Nick says
"Do I have to" I'm annoyed so I decide to be a bit snarky and apparently Stewart doesnt like that.
"Yes because i and i'm pretty sure everyone here want to know who you are, how old you are, and how the hell you got an internship" . The others nod their heads in agreement to stuart so i roll my eyes and stand .

"Hi everyone my name is Skyler morgan and i have just turned 15 . I got here just like the rest of you but here is something you should all know. I like to get even with people who make me feel inferior because of my age so you and you" i say pointing at Stuart and Neya "watch your back" .
And with that i make my exit
I really can't stand team lyle

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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