Chapter 1

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"I'm walking down a hall. I'm about to fall but a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes catches me before I do."
"Okay so Alex how long have you been having this dream for?" my therapist,Dr. Abby Miller ask.
"Umm,I don't know 3 weeks now. But I feel like I know this man."
"Well Alex,I'm prescribing you to take your schizophrenic medication twice a day instead of once a day."
"Fun,now I'm going to be known as the girl who can't control her-self without medication. Great." I roll my eyes when I say that.
"Alex nobody's been through what you have."
"I know Dr. Miller. I know."
"Do you still think about it?"
"Not as much as I use to."
"That's good improvement, Alex. I'm sad to say but our time is over."
"Okay,same time next week?"
"Yes." and with that I left.
When I walk outside I see my adoptive mother sitting there with my adoptive sister.
"How was it Alex?"
"Like usual,Mrs.Adams."
"You know you can call me mom right?"
"I know," I said it with a smirk."What you doing Breanna?"
"Reading a fanfic." Breanna said.
"About who?" I asked
"Harry Styles,duh." she says like I'm suppose to know who that is.
"Who's that?"
"Him." and she shows me the picture. And I see that it's the boy from my dream.
"Who's that agin?"
"Harry Styles and guess what mom and dad got me!!"
"Two tickets for a personal meet and greet with him and the rest of One Direction!!! And guess who's taking me!"
"You are Alex."
"Really?" I say and look at Mrs. Adams
"Yes and you will be taking my car tomorrow to the Windreth Hotel at 7 pm."
"Okay and Dr. Miller changed me from taking my medicine from once to twice a day." She sighs and say "Okay. Did you tell her about the dream?"
"Yeah that's why I have to take it twice a day now."
"You know you will get through it,right?"
"I know."

It all started with a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now