Terrible Two's

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Cinamon's eyes widened in horror as she gaped at the sloppy, putrid mess. My face said it all. If she wasn't so undeniably gorgeous I would have walked away, watching the stinking mess fall to the bar floor. Someone elses problem. But now she was mine. I had to clean up after her. Cinamon giggled girlishly, hiding her scent under cinamon smells. I breathed in the bitter sweet mix of cinamon, alcohol and vomit. My head spun like a million bees were whizzing around inside of me.

Cinamon moaned quietly as she closed her eyes. 


I grabbed her shoulder. "Cinamon. Don't faint. God please don't faint you need to walk. Can you walk?" I was pleading. I wasn't carrying a drunk girl outside into a parking lot. What would passer by's think? They'd think I drugged her and kidnapped her.

Cinamon closed her eyes, slipping in and out of conciousness. Her eyes rolled back and she almost toppled over before I caught her as she leaned towards me. The music continued to play as I held her body up. "God damn it, Cin! Keep it together." 

I fumbled with her body, trying to pick her up slowly. Her head lolled back so I had to quickly straighten her up before she broke something. She moaned slightly, parting her lips. I wondered what she was doing. But I needed to get her outside to get air. 

I half dragged, half carried Cinamon along. I was almost at the door, holding this beautiful creature. She kept mumbling things. I could make out 'No Tyler' 'I'm sorry'

Her lips remained sealed as she started to fall unconcious. 

It took me 20 full minutes to carry Cinamon out to the car. I figured I could call a cab when she was sober or at least concious and she could get the cabbie to take her home. I would donate a couple 10's to pay for the fare, wherever she was going. God knows where she lived. I placed her in the car sitting quietly. She kept wincing in her sleep, and I was so devestatingly tempted to wake her. I hated seeing her face distorted in pain and hurt. But I didn't even know her. I just knew she was stunning and couldn't hold her liquor. 

A bunch of logics began whirling through my head in a large mass. What if she was here with friends and they were searching for her? I had no way to let them know. What if she was here with her boyfriend? Oh my god... what if she had a boyfriend. My stomach hurt.

What if she was alone. I liked that scenario better. If she didn't have a boyfriend or friends here my side of this situation would be alot easier. I looked at Cinamon once more before I grabbbed my phone out of my pocket. I texted Keith, knowing he would show Brad when he got it. 

'Some chick just vomited on me, she passed out so I put her in the car. I'm gonna wait with her until she's awake so that she get's home safely. I'll get her a cab.'

The text took ten seconds to send, and before I knew it I was staring at Cinamon. Her closed eyes gave off the impression that she was equally tired and drunk. I flipped out my phone when the familiar iPhone ring came through. I checked the text.

Keith Durban: What the hell, dude. Okay. Text us when she wakes up. Need the truck 2 get home.


It'd been a full hour since I carried Cinamon out into the car. She had stirred occasionally before I decided I needed to get her home. I placed a light hand on her right shoulder. Her head lolled back as I whispered her name. It took a lot of tries before her eyes started to flutter. She looked at me with a sort of familiar look. As if she knew me well.

I smiled at her. She was tired. "What's your name, Pretty?"

Her mouth opened but no words came out. It took her a while to find her voice. "Hadley." She mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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