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It's dark, I can't see anything in front of me. Why did I get myself into this situation. Better yet how. I'm freezing. I feel my body pulling me down more and more. Am I dying? Have I already died? This sucks. I should've stayed out of it. I was doing just fine at work.

Oh no, what am I gonna tell Lisa. If I'm not dead she's gonna kill me forsure. All of the plants are probably dead now. I can kiss this work study goodbye. Work was a comfort though. My escape from all of the bullies and the noise, not to mention the teachers were just as mean as the bullies. 

Oh if they could see me now. Would they even care? Would they shed a tear or maybe blame themselves. As the news station reports on Adam Wood's death would it even be a shock. I had my problems sure, but why did they have to target me for it. If it wasn't for Nicole I doubt I would even have the strength to ignore them.

Nicole, oh no she's is definitely going to murder me. Wow are these really my final thoughts? As I'm dying I think of all the people who are going to kill me. I wish I could go back and change it all. Why me? Why am I the one feeling like this? Maybe it's the universe's cruel way of saying "screw you".

Man I've been sinking for a while now. Just kill me already. The suspense is torture enough. I might take a nap on my way to the afterlife. That seems kind of peaceful. Might aswell make the best out of a bad situation. Man, I don't even understand how I got roped into all of this. I guess there's no time to think about that. Wait, I have all the time in the world. 

Clash of Elements: The Thorn and The RainWhere stories live. Discover now