Please Don't Tell Adam

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Present Day

I've been at school for a few days now. It has just managed to get more weird. It doesn't seem like Adam wants to believe I'm back. he always has a look of disbelief when he sees me. Then when Nicole sees me it looks like she is angry at me. I did nothing wrong to her. I don't understand what her problem with me is.

Whatever the issue, I'm sure there is an explanation. Most likely dealing with Adam. I want to at least speak to him but I know he is going to have questions that I can't answer. Honestly I just want my best friend back. He was by far the only part of my life that felt normal. Especially through all the chaos.

Adam didn't grow up rich. Even though his family didn't have a lot of money, he still enjoyed his life. Every second of it. I wanted to have that feeling. That no matter what is going on I could be happy and know everything is ok. Although, that look of happiness has disappeared. I'm sure it is because of what happened to his dad.

That would take the joy out of anyone's eyes. I couldn't imagine the pain he is going through. I can only assume it is the worst feeling in the world to lose someone you cared so much about. It's one thing to lose a pet, but to lose a parent. Nothing could compare to that. I want to at least tell Adam that I am sorry for his lost.

I'll probably talk to him after school. That way I don't feel terrified that he would punch me in front of the entire school. Maybe I should stop by his house. I'm sure his mom would be ok with it. Adam and I were practically brothers growing up. I don't think that she would have a problem with it at all.


I finally built up the courage to walk to Adam's house. I sweating from being so nervous. Come on Luke, you're a highly trained assassin who could take down practically anyone is only a few minutes. Why am I so scared? It doesn't make sense. Maybe I am just so scared to own up to what I did.

Maybe I am scared that he won't forgive me. Or maybe it is because he shouldn't forgive me. I probably shouldn't be thinking of the worse case scenarios on my way to his house. That will only make things a lot worse. Maybe I am just overthinking everything and it will be like I never left.

What am I saying. I wasn't here when he needed me the most. He needed a shoulder to cry on when his dad died and I was in the mountains trying to become the next karate champion. That just makes me look so pathetic. As a person and as a friend. I just wish I could make it up to him. I can get him a painting made of his dad.

That seems like a terrible idea. That might make him only think of that night. I know he wasn't there but a kid is going to have an imagination. In Adam's eyes, he was probably right beside his dad when he got shot. Not to mention having to see the body at the funeral. That is a terrible thing for any child to see.

I vow that I will not stop searching for the man who killed Adam's father. No matter what happens, I will find him. Just as I am declaring my intention of vengeance, I heard a man in the alley. Obviously I have to check it out. It's a good thing I bring my costume with me everywhere I go.


Sure enough it was the same gang I've chasing down since I got back in town. You would think maybe they would calm down on crime after seeing most of the front men being taken down. Oh well just more people for me to beat. This would happen on the night I decided to go make amends with Adam.

But luckily there are only five of them. And the first two will be easy. They always send out the weakest links first. Like I said easy. Now for the middle man. He puts up more of a fight but other than that he is quite easy to take out with a leg sweep. Next is the muscle. He is going to be the strongest but the slowest. I am going to just go up behind him and hit the pressure point behind his neck causing him to faint.

Now it is just the high ranking member. The leader usually sends him out with some lower ranks. His job is to make sure every deal goes through properly and report back to the boss. When it comes to strength he has none. All he actually has is his rank. Chances are he is a close friend of the boss which gave him the rank.

He was pretty easy to take down. How many of these guys are there though. I take out at least four every night. Their persistence is untouched compared to the other gangs in this city. However, I'm on an agenda and they happen to be on the list. I still attempt to take down other gangs but these guys are top priority. 

"Look out behind you!"

Who was that? Is there another member they sent out? Does she have a water gun? Just how powerful is that thing? She knocked that guy clean out with a blast. Maybe she was aiming for me though. I have to take her out and fast. Before she shoots me with that thing. Wait what? She is only using her hand! She knocked my mask clean off with that hit. No matter what she is going to see my face.


It's Nicole. How did Nicole throw water with her hands? Is this why she looked at me the way she did? Did she know all along?

"Please, don't tell Adam!"

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