"The challenge"

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Tommy's friends sat for the challenge holding the candle. Despite his repeated forbadations, they called him a coward and switched off the lights. "Hold hands, take a deep breath and contemplate about the spirit. It's sure to hear our calls.." "I don't think that's funny!"--Tommy almost screamed as they all started to laugh. A lightning suddenly struck with a visually impaired sound almost deafening them. "Gosh! Hope someone's not dead in it" "it's Perfect! Let's start!" All came closer holding hands and closing their eyes. "Wherever you are, if any spirit is out here,answer our calls and show us a sign"-- they murmured under their breadth. As they repeated this three times a row, the candle flame went out leaving them in complete darkness. Now everyone got shit scared and started to panic. All of a sudden the door creaked opened and all everyone could see was a burnt body full of thunderbolt Marks smiling at everyone as it entered. And as everyone got scared to death one of them noticed the matress Tommy sat on was empty. The thing smiled at them as the door closed from behind....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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