Travellers Tales

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Unlocking the key to happiness through simplicity, Smiles of Life.

Five centuries of unparalleled prosperity, wealth staggering wealth and exceptional strong health and governance of peace all around me.
Years back, pictures looked almost unremittingly bleak and pixelated, today there are significant distinction as patches of hope and glimpse of clarity piercing on the horizon. The delight of solitude is an enlightenment of a god.
(1) Accept you need to know (2) No labeling; no putting negative connotations on things. (3) Every discovery requires experimentation.
(4)Always go second rounds of the second.
(5)If you spill your milk its just a promotion for paper towers.
(6) You grow each day, just ask your fingernails
(7) If you step on berry, you made jam.
(8) Destruction and creation are one and the same...where one stops the other begins.
(9) Parties are how life most memorable events happens
(10) The great and terrible void of non-existent, look into it, the thought keeps you either awake with fear or smiles.
(11) Psychological warfare it's the mind versus the mind.
(12) A woman who cleans her house early, clearly expects visitors.
(13) Modern day problem requires modern day solution.
(14) Appeasement to the sense of vanity is vexation of the spirit.
(15) Live along evil for far too long and you won't notice the stench.
(16) Why think of this life different from the next when one begins with the end of the other.
(17) Life is a journey start yours with the first step.
(18) Possiblity of worlds beyond the beyond this existence... beyond our galaxy. The possibility of other life forms, intelligent perhaps advanced, technologically superior. Even time travel beyond the time difference of 16+ hrs which we already experience through the difference in continental linear progression, in comparison to an actual time dilation. The possibility that life is continuing strings of lives evolutionary biology, chemistry and physics where and when same humans have/had/will evolve (d) so much so they engineer (ed) devices portals/curtains visaging back and forth. The taking away and giving... dystopian and utopian. An ecological succession evolving and devolving simultaneously. No past no present no's all happened, happening and will happen! Soooo there you have it...that's me in a nut entire life and work revolves around mind bending/altering notions of possibilities and self actualization! ☝🏾This is what keeps me awake at night and drives me during the day...every time you ask me a question of the past I laugh because for me there is no difference in my past present and future, simply an evolutionary chains of reactions to actions and or actions to reactions....the inevitability of life. If the earth is round and floating around in the middle of nihilism then what is holding it up? Why has gravity not pulled it down? If it rotates then why do we not feel the shift during rotation? The endless WHY?
But in a nut shell it's : lives, life, humans, people, race, authoritarianism, anarchism; the extreme individualism and or Complete Collectivism, equality, inequality, racism, bipartisan fascism, fate, relationship, nationalism, totalitarianism patriotism, socialism, bloodlines, ordinance, friendship or lack thereof, family and it's robust condemnation, purpose and or without purpose, shoulder to shoulder or lack thereof, poverty, sickness, riches, wealth, peace, war, rage, race against time...the Complexity of living yet it's far more appealing than the alternative; death where there is no more memories or remembrance, the vanity and vexation of the spirit. Why the insatiable desire for domination, thirst for power....I can go on And on and at the end....all unanswered questions... gapping holes of unanswered questions.
People don't often tell you what are thinking they just see to it that
you don't advance in life. The unparalleled wickedness in high places. For the heart of man is a void, an endless deliberation of doubt, fear, failure, guilt, trials and tribulations. If you walked in and the meal is served then the fire was lit a long time ago. The depth of man's life is summed up on and or in totality of his actions or inactions.

Pretenders are full of insecurities and they spend there days striving
to lay blames on others as long as they get to feel some sort of
security and fill the void they habour deep within their soul! Souls lost without redemption, you can never know peace of mind, joy and or happiness only
hungry for that which can not be filled, insatiable thirst that can not be quenced. They need war hoping that in the mist of the comotion they elude enough people to believe they are still in charge maybe throw enough Money around and maybe just maybe maintain power through domination and oppression but some people want war and because of this its highly improper to assume that its enough to use money to suwade the hurting heart that can not feel any longer. In the ART WAR when in combat with your enemy knowing your
self is half the victory knowing the enemy is the second half however
knowing your enemy and your self Is to achieve total victory. In the
art of combat there are no winners or losers just those who lives to
tell the stories, hence history favours the bold. Revengen is a dish best served cold so they say, when
facing ur enemy there is only one thing which is narrow mindedness and
moving forward, kill anything and everything in ur path for this is
the way of a warrior if u meet God cut him down and should u meet the
devil himself then you must kill him without reservation cut him
heart out eat it drink the blood and let it saturated ur body. As no
man knows or sees d air but knows that they need it for survival this
is d way of son of man so I ask u do u know him or where he comes from
if not then how can u know where he is going or when he d be gone.
Being heartless is not predestined but accquired over time from so
many trials and tribulations. A man faces many foes but d only true
enemy is his friend who pretends to be a friend but truly Is not for
one so close and yet so wicked death Is far too kind for such a person
d deepest place in hell is d chamber reserved for such person or and
persons, for dis person there is no atonement or him
out rejoice with him dine with him drink with him tell stories of
fascinating adventures and share dreams of tomorrow but make no
mistake for his goal n purpose is but one to steal kill and take away
that which is you. In this rejoice for there is no hiding place big or
far enough to save him from the desolation that he faces. The
wickedness of man has no bearing rather it bears weight upon
individuals causing heartaches! Many have come n gone yet none knew
true understanding, for too long have they sat hopelessly with none to
help to create awareness to bring light to the perpetual darkness that
has hovered over them, so much so that they believe it not nor accept
the ordinaces of counsels. Yet they cry for help n fail to recognize
it when it came what a damn paradox. Where can you enslave a man n yet
he thinks he be free very twisted wicked ways by which people with
power control those without any is called PEACE. Inconclusive ideas
mad concept only for the gods where they organize rituals for the
heathen in anticipation for devotion, betrayed by the very exitence
they cherish n noutured. What foul thought yet good intention, just as
I ve seen a bad man do good deeds so I ve seen good man do evil deeds.
The oozing crest of curruption, the arrogant vessel of madness, deny d
seeing urge stun and flicker, disrupt the sleep, the crawling queen if
iron, the eternally self destructing doll of mud unite repulse fill d
earth and know ur own powerlessness hado 90 kurohitsugi with this I
unleash gravity to wrap both time n space. Of what good is a fine
riped banana if a monkey can not declare it fit for human consumption.
I often wonder why so much wickedness why people would to enslave
another why they would rather enjoy the sight of others in pain infact
why they would cause the pain in the first place only to sit back and
take pleasure from it! Power they said can be intoxicating yes this is
true. There are those whose only goal in life is to keep others
surpressed at any cost n length without any reason or cause for such
is inhumanity, just simply the power over another growing thick n big
in d bottom of their belly. Mostly the fear of losing control brings
abt the worst in most people as they fear d very d thing they hold
dear to LIFE. However to control another is to abase ur self, becos d
very ting u ve come to love becomes ur worst night mare. Considering d
nature of man, where nothing is enough or satisfactory no matter d
level of wealth. When combating ur enemy vanquishing him is d only
concern in your heart , all human emotion & feelings must be surpressed.
Obliterate everyone who gets in the way, make no mistake that will be the case if
The tables were turned, for this truth lies in the heart of all mankind.
I can say without ego that this is my finest work and what I lack in age I make up in madness and acquisitions of knowledge.
Sodium peniton feeling of truth. Some say that madness is an art while some say it a state, personally I say it a state
and crazy is an art, choose wisely.
Without an atom of doubt in my mind I am mad and the abbrigion of death can not say other wise.
Ok a day out on my own and
frankly it just starting, I tell you what its good I mean relaxing. Living in a world of world can be justified by the amount of disposable income in your pocket
no doubt that cash is king I tell u. Often times it puzzles the mind the causation of ravaging madness, are people misguided or are they just pretend to be. No glamouring or should there be hmmm I wonder.
Chimmey falls lovers burn. I thought that I was young but not, I am so exhausted yet I move on. I wish I was the noon & this is
the colt of peace and I can now turn aside and watch however am sure that I will not only watch but will be a key player for this is my
purpose. I am destined to be a leader of men women children and they
are subjects to me to do my biddings. The lord has given me the
strength to rule no matter how many enemies rise up against me failure
is not an option forward movement is all there is no other way. The
wall may be tall n unbreakable but it is my turn to shine n the wall
is broken n fell over and my rising begins. I am untouchable n
uncurseable am at height of greatness n there is no turning back no
matter what is thrown at me I will be I am the Man the lord has
destined for greatness. The crest of d eagle is d defining n pride of
it origin n nothing can change d colours upon which he dwells. There
is no seizing height for thats the resting place
The truth of life lies below life it self

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