Chapter 2

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After a long day of checking and stacking books it's finally time for me to go home. I finish locking up the book store and making sure everything is turned off before I grab my emergency hoodie from my locker in the back and throw it on considering it's cold out and raining. I throw the keys of the store in my bag and pull out some headphones and listen to some music while I walk home to pass the time.

Even though it's only 6 pm it's surprisingly dark outside already. Usually by this time the sun should barely be setting. Although I don't like walking in the dark alone, I really have no choice but to suck it up and pull the hoodie up on my jacket to stay out of view in this dangerous neighborhood. As I keep walking the rain starts to pick up and I can hear the thunder coming in as well. I start to get a little scared due to the fact that I hate thunderstorms and all I rather be doing right now is sitting at home by the fireplace cuddled up in blankets with a nice book in my hand.

I am immediately snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a loud gunshot coming from what seemed an abandoned house. Wait. I've never seen this house or this street. When I realize that my surroundings aren't familiar to me I start to panic inside a little. I must have been daydreaming that I didn't notice I went the wrong way.

Again another shot is fired and this time I hear a loud ear curdling scream.

"Richard!" A loud pitched voice screams

I pull my phone out to call 911 but as soon as I'm about to hit the call button I feel someone pull me harshly by my arm and a rough calloused hand is put over my mouth to block my screaming.

"Shut up! Listen I'll remove my hand if you stay quiet, if not then I'll kill you right here right now with no hesitation." The calloused hand is removed from my mouth but I can't help but tremble with fear. All I can do is nod slowly.

"If you say anything I will end you. Understood?"

I tried to agree with him just to spare my life but then again this is my chance. I've thought about suicide for so long but I don't understand why I'm so scared now. Is it because he's willing to take my life? Maybe I want to do it myself? I don't know. I don't know what I want anymore.

"Come with me now."

Not like I have a choice anyway. I stay quiet and follow the tall blonde haired man with bright eyes. I really need to get out of here but I'm scared if I try running off he will just catch up and it will make things worse for me. I have to just wait until the right time. I'll wait till we get to the end of this alley were the open street is.

"What's your name?"

"Jessica." I lie, fearing if I escape this man he will come after me.

"Well Jessica. I'm telling you right now, I always get my way and people always listen to my orders and if they don't then they shouldn't worry about breathing any longer."

By this information I can fell my anxiety take a toll on me and I feel like I'm about to puke. Just as I think about it I feel today's small snack make its way up my throat and out my mouth on this mans shoes.

"What the fuck is your problem!" He screams at me

"My anxiety.." I manage to whisper.

"Fucking shit now look what you've done. do you know how expensive these are!?" He rambles on as he gets down to clean his over priced shoes. Nows my time, he's distracted and I can see a street corner light. If I run fast enough I can make it. Wait what if he shoots me? Stop over-thinking and start running Sophia my conscious tells me. At that I take off running and I don't look back, I just need to get as far away as I can from this dangerous man who's done nothing but threaten my life if he didn't get his way.

"Get the fuck back here before I come after you and shoot you down!" But even after that I still don't listen to him. I keep running until I get to the street light and turn to my right. The street is pretty empty besides a club at the end of the block. But hey I rather be around people right now then that physco.

As I reach the club I am out of breath and I could really use some water. Unfortunately since I'm under age I can't go in there. Crap. I have no choice but to call a taxi to take me home safely I hope. I pull my phone out of my bag but just to my luck, it's dead. Seriously can anything else go wrong tonight? Might as well look for a pay phone or ask someone if I can use theirs to call up a cab which I doubt will happen considering almost everyone here is probably drunk. I decide to ask anyway because I have no other choice or option to get home. I just want this horrible night to end and that won't happen until I get in my cozy bed and forget this ever happened.

As I walk around outside the club to look for a pay phone I realize I should ask someone instead of being here any longer. I notice a guy leaning on the brick wall by the entrance. He looks pretty familiar. I walk over and what did I expect.


He looks up from his phone and he looks a little flustered probably wondering what I was doing here and why was I asking if it was him.

"Sophia? What are you doing here? I didn't expect a girl like you to be at a place like this."

"Uhm long story and what do you mean a girl like me?" I arch my brow at him and cross my arms.

"I don't know, you just don't seem like those kind of party girls. Nothing wrong with that by the way. What are you doing here if I can ask?"

"Well I got into a situation and this was my last choice to save myself. I came to look around for a phone to call a cab to take me back to my place." I shortly explain.

"Save yourself? And don't bother looking for pay phones, they're all trash."

"Well do you mind if I use yours? I just need to call a cab and I'll leave you alone, I just want to get home as soon as I can please."

"You still haven't answered my question. What do you mean save yourself? What's wrong?"

"It's a really long story and I don't want to talk about it here."

"I have time. In fact, I volunteer to drive you home but you have to tell me what happened."

"I don't know.. I don't want to bother you. plus I just met you, how can I trust you won't kidnap me and murder me?"

"Really? That's your excuse? And for the record we didn't just meet. We met earlier today if you don't remember." He sarcastically states

"Fine. But only if you stop being so sarcastic with me."



"We should get going then." Before I can respond he is already placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me across the street to what I assume to be his car. He opens the passenger door for me and I quietly thank him and he closes the door and makes his way to the drivers side.


Hi guys I'm sorry if it took forever to upload this and I really have no excuse and I'm sorry it's a short chapter I just wanted to post something because I'm currently writing chapter 3. I will definitely have more time for this because I get out of school pretty early and my grades are pretty good. Again I'm truly sorry and I hope this can make up for it even though it's pretty short. I will make chapter 3 longer and I'll try to upload at least twice or 3 times a week. No promises yet until I can see how long it would take me to write each chapter. Anywho hope you like it so far. Love you guys x

IG: @silviarosestyles

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