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           I wake up to the sound of explosions. I quickly look out the window and see men killing people. I see my best friends dead body, I gasp. My dad rushes in grabs his 10mm pistol. Two shots ring out and a dead mans body falls through the door. "Who are these people!? And why are they killing the people I loved!" I cryed. My dad said "I,ll tell you when its all over" and he hands me a knife and a pistol. "You're gonna need to use it". At first I hesitate to use it. Then, I hear a piercing scream in the air. A cream that I knew well. I run outside and see Mrs. fields dead body in a pool of blood. I mutter "I need to use the weapons to avenge all the peole I loved>' I grab my pistol and shoot a man in the head. I look at it and feel a little better. On his shirt is a badge that said enclave. I grab it. A enclave solddier comes up behind me and tries to stab me. I struggle. I hear a sickening slit and the enclave falls dead. My dad said"We need to get out of here!" he yells and adds"Follow me!" I follow him. Around me I hear screaming and gunshots. Dead bodys lie acroos the ground. My dad shots two troops in the head they both fall dead. My dad runs towards the gate of our town. Four inclave soldiers with ak-12s get in our way and shoot my dad in the arm. He said" Get behind me!" My dad said "please spare us, theirs a 11 year old child with me." They laugh and say"We killed tons of kids!" and shoot my father dead. "Nooo!" I yell. "Dad don't leave me!" I cry. He looks at me and said "I'm sorry.."  "" I mutter. The enclave soldiers just laugh. I scream "You bitch!!!" and cut one of their throats open. Blood splatters om the ground.I shoot another one 9 times in the torso. He falls dead I turn to shoot the others but realize I used all 10 bullets. I quickly try to reload but  one of the enclave soldiers hit me in the face with his gun.

            They were about to shoot me when a man jumped off the house next to us and stabs one of themin the shoulder and blasts one the other soldiers head off with a sawed off shotgun. he walks towards me and said "It's ok." and picks me up. I cry into his shoulder, as he carries me away from the burning town.

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