Burn in hell

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"What you want do now?" "Want to kill me?" "No." "I just want to see you burn." "You want to die, Jack?" "You don't believe in anything." "You think that when you die, all that will be is an empty shell, but I want you to burn." "I want you to feel what we've felt." "I want you to see what we've seen." "And I want you to live like you're dead." "Burn, you bastard!" "Burn!" "All right, put him in." "The court has convicted Mr. White, who has pleaded innocent to multiple homicides... of a group of young people he met at a private military school." "The charges of his accomplice, an ex-Special Forces soldier... identified only as John Doe, who also pleaded not guilty to the murders of 15..." "You're on TV." "We're gonna set the cameras there." "This is live, so no mistake." "The court is in recess." "The judge is expected to render a verdict in Mr. White's trial within a few days." "We'll have more on this case as soon as we can." "We'll bring you any significant news as it happens." "All right, I need you guys back here in two minutes." "You know what to do." "You wanna get on or off?" "How come you never answered the phone?" "I wanted to hear your voice." "You're good, baby." "I'm gonna get the van." "Get out." "We were only doing our job." "Are you out of your fucking mind?" "You just put a bomb in my van." "What's your beef, White?" "My beef?" "I'm out here risking my ass for a fucking traitor and a terrorist!" "You work for me!" "I take care of my people." "You've betrayed me, White." "I should fucking blow your head off right fucking now." "Okay." "Okay." "Look, I'm sorry, bro." "Hey." "I get it." "You're scared shit, huh?" "Right?" "I mean, look." "You're a little out of your league." "But why don't you go home and let me handle this, okay?" "All right." "Hey, that was quick." "What the hell happened in there?" "We all good?" "The deal's still on." "Come on." "Come on." "Where the fuck is John?" "We've just heard from the federal prosecutor's office." "Judge Ellis has just recessed court until further notice." "What a coincidence." "Hey, I guess this means you won't be getting that gold record." "That's a shame." "Well, I wouldn't sweat it, White." "We've got all the angles covered." "Yeah, right." "Fucking FBI, huh?" "All right, so you know what we gotta do, right?" "We need to get down to that subway." "I'm gonna call y'all tomorrow with the details." " Good work, baby." " Yeah." "All right." "What a rush." "We did it, White." "Yeah, we did." "You look tired." "Need some rest, John." "Get out of here." "You did it." "I love you, my friend." "I love you." "Thank you, John." "Thank you." "Thank you so much." "It was perfect." "You were perfect." "You were perfect." "So I said, "If we don't have a deal next month, we're gonna have to renegotiate"." "Oh, God." "Yeah." "I wish you had been there." "What happened?" "He died." "They killed him?" "My father?" "Yeah." "I loved him." "Yeah, I know you did, Red." "I know you did." "You know, he was one of the most dangerous men to walk the Earth, but he could be a great man, too." "You know, if he hadn't" "If he hadn't chosen to be on the wrong side of the railroad." "If it hadn't been for him, none of this would have happened." "But he chose, Red." "And now we've got a chance to make it up to him." "I know this is hard, Red, but you and I, we have to make something happen, 'cause a lot of people are dying, and they need to know the truth." "And if we don't tell them, then they'll never know." "You know, maybe it'll be too late by then." "I don't know." "It just doesn't seem fair to just sit there and do nothing." "John!" "Red, we got trouble, man." "We got trouble!" "What?" "What is it?" "Look!" "Well, hell, let's get at 'em." "There's about a dozen of them." "Let's get at 'em!" "We gotta get at them." "I gotta get up there." "We can't have these scoundrels getting away with this." "You and me, we are fighting." "I gotta get up there." "We'll get these sons of bitches!" "They can take these people, but they can't take us." "The whole world is watching." "What's it gonna be, Red?" "What's it gonna be?" "Oh!" "I hope they bring it." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God!" "You are the man!" "The man of the hour!" "I can't see." "Oh, my God!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "I can't see!" "I'm blind!" "I can't see!" "The best thing that ever happened to me!" "I can't see!" "God, I'm blind!" "Oh, God." "No, no, no, no, no." "You'll be all right." "Yeah, I'm all right." "Come on." "We can't leave him." "No, no, we'll go for help." "Where's the nearest village?" "They're all way out at the coast." "They couldn't be too far away." "All right, let's get to it." "Come on." "Move!" "Move!" "Come on!" "Come on, Red." "Let's get out of here." "No." "No." "No, no, no." "No." "No, I got a better idea." "Get a rock." "You gonna shoot me?" "No, no." "I think you're worth more to me alive than dead." "So I'm gonna try to pry you open." "What if I said no?" "I'd have to kill you." "Go on." "Pry." "Pry." "That was easy." "Now, what do I do with you?" "I think we better have that little talk." "Let's go." "It's not much further." "You said we'd be there in two hours." "All I'm saying is, after 24 hours alone, your man begins to have hallucinations." "I told you I've seen all kinds of things since I came here." "What's happening to him isn't normal." "Well, I'm glad you've figured that out." "Now you wanna know what we're doing here." "What are you trying to say?" "That I know you people are trying to help." "Oh, I think you better sit down." "Well, you're not giving me much time here." "So, what do you think I should know about this place?" "This is a research facility of some kind." "No, I already knew that." "So, what else is new?" "We've discovered that there are various levels of energy which I'm calling blocks." "In an average person, there are seven." "In you, however, there are 12." "Twelve?" "We're still experimenting with the theory but your cells react with different energy than the others." "That explains a lot, I guess." "Like why you need sleep." "And why they can never be killed." "And why I've seen some things, and you haven't." "It's probably a good thing that you've never been tested." "When you're on the lowest level there's a chance of turning into a very dangerous being." "A being?" "I think it's called a demon." "I don't know, I mean, it's not like I really studied this thing." "The demons are what we call your dark side." "The more powerful you are, the more levels you have, the greater the risk of transformation." "How can I help you?" "Well, you could help us by telling us about your mother." "My mother?" "All the energy levels." "We'll be back to see you again in a few days." "My office will contact you." "Come on." "What's with you?" "You know the way they look at me." "They hate me." "They're afraid of you." "You scare them." "They can't say that." "Hey, you don't understand them." "And that's why they're afraid of you." "You have more energy than they can comprehend." "So, what are you saying?" "You're saying, because of the way I look they're gonna turn me into something?" "Is that it?" "Demons are everywhere." "They don't discriminate." "They're everywhere." "They don't discriminate." "And they're angry." "And they want revenge." "Revenge." "You mean because I was born." "What are you talking about?" "Are you saying that because I was born they came back and killed my mother?" "My mother..." "That's what you're saying." "Is that what you're saying?" "I'm..." "Well, look, I..." "Look, I don't know what you think I'm talking about." "Your mother died giving birth to you." "Well, I saw my mother when she died." "And it was..." "It was the devil." "I saw his face." "I saw what he was doing to her." "And he killed her." "He killed her." "And I never told anyone about it because I was told that my mother died of a drug overdose."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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