1 Text Away

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Word count: 5340

"Could you text Y/N pretending it's me?"

HOUSE: Slytherin
YEAR: 5th

Taetae1234_ requested more jealous Harry stories, so here you go.

It's almost time for winter break. Everyone is so excited to finally be able to go home and see their families.

Hogwarts opened a musical arts class and Y/N was the first to join. She absolutely loved to sing and play instruments. The class was perfect.

Harry had a free period on his schedule, so Professor McGonagall decided to put him in musical arts class. Although he hates to admit it, he doesn't hate the class. Especially since Y/N is his partner for the semester.

"Good morning partner." Y/N greeted Harry as she took a seat next to him.

Slytherins absolutely hate Gryffindors, but Y/N is different. She loves getting to know everyone from each house.

Harry's day would automatically get better just by seeing her smile, "good morning to you too partner."

Everyone took a seat and the class started.

The musical arts teacher, Professor Flitwick paced around the room with a new assignment in mind, "I know you all have winter break coming soon, but you will still need to work on a project for me. You and your partner will learn a song of your choice and play it in front of the whole classroom. I expect both partners to sing and play an instrument. I will be passing on a worksheet, so work on that for the remaining of the period."

Flitwick handed everyone a review of everything they covered about musical arts in the semester.

Y/N took the paper and started filling out the worksheet.

Without her noticing, she started to hum "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery.

She would lightly dab her pencil on the table, while trying to figure out the next problem.

Her humming was so subtle and soft, that Harry would work better and concentrate more with her beautiful voice.

Harry grinned to himself and continued the worksheet.

He then decided to sit closer to her. Harry leaned in and asked, "What song are you humming to?"

Y/N got slightly startled and began to apologize, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. I'll stop."

She took this completely the wrong way.

"You're not bothering me at all. Please don't stop, your voice is really nice." he said slightly blushing.

She let out a small chuckle. "Thanks. It's called 'Line Without a Hook' by Ricky Montgomery"

Harry smiled back and took a mental note of that.

"Hey Harry?"

"Mhmm." he nodded.

"When should we work on the project?" she asked.

Harry took this as the perfect opportunity to give her his phone number, "oh here. Let me write my number down."

He ripped a piece of notebook paper, and with his neat handwriting, he wrote it down.

Harry handed the folded note to Y/N, and she placed it inside her backpack.

The bell rang, and everyone went to their next period.

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