Chapter 1: The meadow?!

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(Another story with no POV's, sorry! And also, first we are doing the birth of the fawns, Gurri, and my co-author's OC, Holly.)

Faline had just given birth to two fawns. They are both girls. They are currently unamed. Faline looks at her fawns. They are both asleep. The girl on the left wakes up first, revealing to have blue eyes, like her mother. The girl on the right awakens next. She has red eyes, like her father. She bites the blue eyed girl.

"I don't believe I've never seen a more likely looking pair of fawns," Friend Owl says. "Prince Bambi oughta be mighty proud."

Bambi and The Great Prince watch from a cliff. The Great Prince walks away.

Bambi watches and he looks at the thicket again.

Back with Faline

She smiles at her fawns. "What are their names?" Asked Thumper.

Faline struggled to think of some names.

"They sure look jolly, I must say." Said Friend Owl.

This gave Faline an idea.

"How about for the red, Holly?" Said Faline. She then struggled again to think of a name for the blue eyed.

"How about for the blue eyed, Gurri?" Asked a female bird.

Faline smiled. "That is perfect." She said. "Thank you for the suggestion."

The bird nodded.

Time skip!

Now Holly and Gurri are fawns.

"Hey, Holly!" Said Gurri.

Holly was eating blossoms before looking over. "Oh, hey, Gurri!"

"Wanna play in the meadow?" Asked Gurri.

"But... but you know Mom and Dad's rule, they'd never allow that." She said a little nervous

"Well, they don't have to know, do they?" Asked Gurri, being mischievous.

She didn't know, but smiled. "Okay, sis, let's go."

"Yay!" Said Gurri.

She nodded and went with her, passing their friend's burrow.

A female rabbit was laying outside.

"Hi, Gurri and Holly!" Greeted Ms. Bunny.

"Hey Ms. Bunny, can Judy come play?" Asked Holly

"Of course! Judy!" Called Ms. Bunny.

Just then a brownish grey rabbit hopped out of the burrow. "Yes mom, oh hey Holly, hey Gurri."

"Hey, Judy! Wanna go to the water hole with us?" Winked Gurri.

Judy got it and nodded. "Sure thing." She said smiling. "May I, Mommy?"

"Of course. But no farther than that." Said the mother bunny.

"Okay, Mommy." She said smiling before following her friends. Once they were out of hearing range she asked, "So where are we really going?"

"The meadow." Said Gurri.

Her eyes widened and she froze. "THE MEADOW?!" She squeaked, not expecting that.

"Judy, calm down. It's just a little visit. It's not like we're going to be hunted or anything." Said Gurri.

"Don't say that, you'll jinx us." Said Judy clearly still nervous

Gurri groaned a little. "Look, we're here!"

Judy looked at it nervously and gulped

"Awesome!" Said Gurri, unaware of the dangers that are waiting for them.

Holly as nervous as she looked it now. "Sis, I'm not so sure about this now."

"Aw, come on! This place is so beautiful. I don't know why Mom and Dad don't want us here." Said Gurri, fascinated by the beautiful meadow.

"Sis, please, I'm nervous." Said Holly

They then heard their names being called from the meadow in a fainted ghostly way.

"What the?" Said Gurri.

Back with Bambi and Faline, Bambi felt danger in his hooves. "Faline, I think something bad's happening." He said.

"Wait, Bambi, where are the girls?" Asked Faline, as she didn't see either of their daughters.

Holly was completely confused.

Judy didn't hear anything.

"Wait. Could they be at the MEADOW?!" Panicked Bambi.

"They wouldn't, they know how dangerous it is." Said Faline as she got up wanting to run to save her kids/fawns.

Bambi then felt it. "They are! I feel it!'s Man!"

Her eyes widened and she took off running to save her daughters.

Bambi ran as well.

Back with the girls, Gurri thought someone was there. "Who's that?" She asked, going deeper in the meadow.

Holly wanted to but she was too freaked out to move.

Judy was confused as to why they were acting weird and tried calling to Gurri.

Faline was panicked and ran faster.

"Hello?" Said Gurri. Bambi ran to the meadow. "Please don't be dead." He said, to himself.

When they got there they saw Holly and Judy at the edge and Gurri out in the meadow. "Gurri, no!" Yelled Faline as she ran into the meadow to save her daughter

"Mom?" Said Gurri, before she screamed and a gunshot was heard.

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