Chapter 1

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This is self indulgent but I've decided to share it with you all. Uhhh so let's get straight to it. (Quite ironic considering there is nothing remotely straight about this fic-)

Bosip looming over his best friend, his best friend that he had feelings for. Bob had returned his feelings for Bosip for quite some time now, Bosip was so glad to hear that Bob liked him back; this is something he never thought he'd do to his best friend. But here he is, about to fuck him.

"B-Bob I uh is it okay that I do this?.."

"Y-yeah, it's okay Bosip I think we can do this..."

Bob looked at Bosip in the eyes, both have a lace of blush spread across their faces.
Bosip has never done this before with anyone, so obviously he didn't know what to do first;

Bob spoke "Hey Bosip, you-uh we should take off our clothes..."

'well if that wasn't obvious enough.' Bosip thought to himself.

Bosip slowly nodded, he slowly got off of Bob allowing him to take off his clothes. Bosip slid his hands on both sides of his shirt and pulled upwards over his head, his torso now exposed made both blush even harder.

Bob reached down near Bosip's pants and tugged at the zipper, pulling it down. Bosip was a bit shaky as he slid his hands up Bob's shirt slowly feeling his stomach and nipples. Bob shuddered, he did the same motion Bosip did to take off his shirt; Bob unzipped his pants, getting further onto the bed, Bosip crawled on but was still towering over Bob.

"I'm not sure how this is gonna feel for you but, if it hurts let me know okay?" Bob nodded, Bosip slips down his boxers revealing a 6 and a little more than half an inch member, Bob lit up at the sight of Bosip's cock. Both reached towards Bob's boxers and steadily sliding them down, also revealing Bob's 🐓. Bob was around 5 inches and a half, a pretty reasonable size.

Finally he grabbed some recently bought lube, squirted some on his hands and cock, the lube immediately made Bosip's member twitch; rubbing it on definitely felt great. Bosip put some more on his hands and fingers; he reached out and grabbed Bob's cock. Slowly and softly stroking it, Bob's breath started getting shaky. Ever so slightly speeding up, Bob groaned.


Coming closer to Bob's face he kissed him, a sweet and short kiss made Bob look like a tomato. Bosip chuckled a little out loud,

"W-What are you laughing at!?" Bob slightly yelled.

Bosip put a hand over his face and kept chuckling, Bob adverted his eyes feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Awww Bob, don't be all grumpy."

Bosip got closer to Bob's ear and whispered

"I'm gonna make you feel good~"

Bob got chills, that was so seductive and hot. Bosip gave him another kiss on the cheek, another on the forehead, and finally on his neck.

Bosip used some of the lube he had left on his hands and some pre-cum from Bob to do some prep. "Thats what you do right?" Bosip said to himself. Anyways,

"Hey, um Bob I'm gonna uh, well I uh..." Bosip was hardcore stuttering, Bosip fiddled with his hands until Bob got the message that he was gonna put his fingers up his ass.

-Skipping prep section bc school-

"Now that we are done with that um, here I go..." Bosip stated.

Taking Bob's legs and holding them as he positioned himself near his hole, Bob was very nervous. Faces red as a tomato, he inserted himself, taking a deep exhale as it was tight. Bob shuffled, it definitely was a very interesting feeling for Bob considering he's never done this before. Slowly Bosip started going back and forth, rocking his hips in a type of rhythm that made Bob's heart pound.

As Bob started to get into it as he wrapped his legs around Bosip's hips to help him stay in place. Bob's breath gets heavier and heavier, soon he lets out a small grunt. Bosip perked up when he heard that small sound come from his friend, Bob's heart was pounding so fast; he felt so good inside.


Bosip moaned, Bob heard this and his heartbeat was all over the place. Hearing Bob's grunts made his heart go wild, letting out a few moans of his own Bosip picked up the pace. A slow but fast enough pace for Bob to handle;

"B-Bosip... I Ah- ah!"

Bosip looks down at his friend 'what was he right now his boyfriend?', both make eye contact before slowly inching their faces together. Just a few centimeters away from each other made both of their faces heat up, finally they made lip contact. The kiss was tender, sweet, and a bit sloppy. Nonetheless Bob and wanted another.

"Ah-ah I Bob I-I love,,, Ah y-you..."

Bob was touched by Bosip's words but the only thing that escaped his mouth were small moans and grunts. Bosip, going faster, rocking and bucking his hips. Bob reached up and gripped onto the back of 'now boyfriend' gripping tighter every time Bosip hit his good spot, this got a small moan out of Bob.

Bob's looked up, his heart pounding like a drum, and his face red like a tomato.

"I,,I lov- love you too... Bosip...."

Bosip got chills, just Bob saying his name sent shivers down his spine, he loved it.

"S-say it again B-Bob.."

"I-I love you Bosip!"


"I love you Bosip!"

Thrusting harder each time he said he loved him, only putting him on the edge of cumming. Mashing both of their faces together again this time a lot more sloppy than the last, still they both felt good in that moment.

Bosip touching Bob's chest and rubbing his nipples only made Bob ever so more noisy.

"HNnn, B-Bosip, ahhhh~"

Small grunts were made here and there by Bosip, as he was so close, one more moan by Bob and that would be it for him.



Saying each others names was such a turn on for both of them, especially since they were fucking and it was a lot more intimate.



Both moaned while Bosip let out his load and relaxed a bit more. Bob still had shaky breath, Bosip pulled out and saw that Bob had cummed too, laying next to him he patted his hair and pulled him close. Bob probably needed some time to recover, so Bosip grabbed the blankets and tucked Bob in. Bob grabbed Bosip's wrist and looked at him in the eyes and said the following,

"I love you Bosip."

Bosip's heart melted, he knew Bob loved him as much as he did, in reply he said,

"I love you too Bob."

End thingy-
Uh you read the whole thing didn't ya?Thanks for reading, I have no 'writing fan fiction experience' so this is a bit of a first. Anyway take my contribution to this starving ship community, bye.

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