Fire,Earth,Water and Air

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What's you sign guys?Mine is Leo!Leo's Unite

Zodiac Signs and the Words That Describe Them

The study of astrology centers on the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Each sign has its own established set of characteristics and associations that are presumed descriptive of people born under them. Learning about these signs and their corresponding traits is a great way to quickly improve your vocabulary—you'll find yourself with a whole set of adjectives to describe personalities! Read on to learn more about the 12 Zodiac signs and the words that go with them.

Aries (Born March 21–April 19)

It is associated with fresh vigor and new beginnings. Individuals born under this sign are said to have an enthusiastic, adventurous, and passionate character. They are usually ambitious, humorous, and pioneering. On the less positive side, they're also said to be prone to selfishness, boastfulness, intolerance, impulsiveness, and impatience.

●Positive Adjectives

•Adventurous and energetic

•Pioneering and courageous

•Enthusiastic and confident

•Dynamic and quick-witted

●Negative Adjectives

•Selfish and quick-tempered

•Impulsive and impatient

•Foolhardy and daredevil

     Taurus (Born April 20–May 20)

Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a calm, patient, reliable, loyal, affectionate, sensuous, ambitious, and determined character. They are also prone to hedonism, laziness, inflexibility, jealousy, and antipathy.

●Positive Adjectives

•Patient and reliable

•Warmhearted and loving

•Persistent and determined

•Placid and security loving

●Negative Adjectives

•Jealous and possessive

•Resentful and inflexible

•Self-indulgent and greedy

      Gemini (May 21–June 20)
Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac and is associated with youth and versatility. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a sociable, fun-loving, versatile, lively, communicative, liberal, intelligent, mentally active, and friendly character. They are also thought to be prone to moodiness, inconsistency, superficiality, restlessness, and laziness.

●Positive Adjectives

•Adaptable and versatile

•Communicative and witty

•Intellectual and eloquent

•Youthful and lively

●Negative Adjectives

•Nervous and tense

•Superficial and inconsistent

•Cunning and inquisitive

       Cancer (June 22–July 22)
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. It is associated with family and domesticity. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a kind, emotional, romantic, imaginative, sympathetic, nurturing, and intuitive character. They are also supposed to be prone to changeability, moodiness, hypersensitivity, depression, and clinginess.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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