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Iris woke up to the sun blazing through the sheer curtains. She was in Roberts room, she realized that as Robert was asleep next to her. She was in Roberts sweater and her underwear and her dress and shoes were on the floor on her side of the bed. Did we? She thought. Nah he's a man of consent she smiled. She layed on her side, propping herself up so she could admire the sleeping boy. Not in a creepy way, but he was very pretty, she thought. His curls were a mess, and he was gripping onto the pillow. She got up and went into the living room. Malcolm was awake in the kitchen with coffee and with his boy on the couch. They smiled as she entered. "Good morning." Malcolm chuckled. "Rough night?" He added. "We didn't." Iris replied, going into the kitchen to make some for herself, "Mhm yeah, why don't we ask him." Malcolm glanced in to the bedroom to see that he was fast asleep still. "When he recovers" Malcolm winked, and walked back over to her. Allie and Leo were still sleeping, laying in each others arms.

Once her coffee was made, she was at the table with Malcolm and they were on their phones. Robert walked in. "Hey." Malcolm said with a smirk. Robert smiled back, and then looked to Iris who was clearly embarrassed. Robert caught on, "you sick bastard." Robert threw a slipper from off his foot at Malcolm, and all three of them chuckled. Robert took a granola bar from a cabinet and sat next to Iris. "Sleep well?" "Yeah, did you?" "Never better." He joked. Malcolm's, boy decided to join the conversation at the table too. "Who's this kid?" Robert asked. "Oh I'm Malcolm's boyfriend." He smiled. Malcolm rolled his eyes, and the blonde boy laughed. "Wait what." Iris was confused. "I'm Jamie, I work at the same coffee place Malcolm does." Robert and Iris nodded.

Leo eventually woke up and everyone said morning. He got some water and Advil and sat at the table too. The group chatted, and around 2 pm Allie woke up. Leo gave her water and Advil, and she groaned as she laid on the couch again. "How are you holding up down there hun?" Iris asked her. "Choke." She groaned, Iris flipped her off.

They gathered their things, cleaned up and were planning on leaving. Allie having help from Leo. Robert and Iris exchanged numbers, and even though Robert offered to drive them homes they just called an Uber again.
Once they were in their dorms, Iris went to shower and wash her clothes from that night. But before that she hung up Roberts sweater he let her keep so she didn't have to wear her dress. When she told him that she couldn't change out of it because she on,y had underwear on, he laughed and let her keep it.

She took a shower, and laid down on the couch with her cat Princess Carolyn.

She had the day off, but she needed to go grocery shopping. She put on some sweatpants and put her hair in a bun and she drove to Whole Foods. She got her groceries, and went back home. After she unloaded the groceries she checked her phone.

New Message: Allie
Leo and I are dating now...

Good for you, I can't believe it took you two this long to confess. I mean you two sleep together all the time.

We do not, we were just close friends 😐

Don't even start with that bs

Did you not sleep with Robert last night? Which last time I checked, you were introduced to him YESTERDAY??!!

He's hot so hell yeah I took up the opportunity to SLEEP in the same bed as him.

Why don't I believe you two didn't fuck.

Because we did.


Of course not? Why would you think that💀?


Iris smiled at her phone. Then she thought of Robert. That night. The sounds of people talking just layered and layered until they were untillegable. His hands locked with hers, and his hand went down to her waist. He did it in a way that was comfortable. Like it just happened. He didn't do it on purpose, or in a sexual way, he just did. She loved his touch, she felt safe around him. She couldn't help but think about the next time she would see him. If he would text her. She didn't know what to say so she wanted t wait for him.

She fell asleep that night with classes to go to the next day.
She woke up, and slid on white linen pants, and a light pink blouse. She kept her hair down, and put on some pearl earrings.
She went to her classes, and talked with her friends. She didn't tell them about Robert, except for when she had classes with Malcolm, Leo, or Allie. She could not stop talking about him.

"I feel like I need to be impregnated whenever I'm around him. I want a baby."
"What the hell Iris, we all know that the second the baby begins to cry you will punt it to the nearest wall or window." Leo said.
"Yeah but if it looked like me and him maybe I wouldn't." Iris fluttered her eyelashes. Leo scoffed. "Dream about it."

She was heading to lunch, when she saw a notification from a number,

(Maybe) Robert:
Hey it's Robert. I'm sorry for not texting yesterday, I had lots of homework I needed to finish before Monday, but I hope school went well for you today :)

Iris: No worries! I'm having a decent day so far.

Good! When is your last class? I was wondering if you wanted to check out this local farm with me, I saw an add for it in the paper and I've been meaning to check it out. It has like flowers, fruit, and animals and stuff. Is that of interest to you?

That sounds so fun, I definitely want to join you. I'm free at 12

I'm glad! I can pick you up from your school at that time then?

That works for me. I'll be waiting outside then!

Sounds good ;)

Iris smiled, and ran to her friends lunch spot outside.
"What's up with you?" Allie asked, seeing her smile.
"Robert is picking me up from campus and taking me to the farm out by Elm Street."
"A farm?" Malcolm repeated in shock.
"Ok, it seems cute. I saw pictures on line." Iris defended. All three immediately while out their phones. "That's so cute." Allie said.
"Ok, go ahead and fulfill that cottagecore fantasy you have always had." Malcolm said sarcastically.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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