Prince Yuki x reader ( I'm the knight and your my queen ...right )

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No ones pov

It was the begin of a new school year where (Y/n) had just moved with her friend Leona . But what (Y/n) didn't know was leona had family there. "Leona hurry up i want to be there early , wait what if I get a boyfriend this year ... Omfg it can happen new school , new people , new BOYS" (y/n ) yells "okay I know your happy but do you remember how we moved in togather and you know how I was home schooled with my foster family and all that shit , and what happens if I hug a male " leona says looking at the ground " yes I know but why talk about it now "(y/n ) says cutesy " my real family is here and I have a cousin here who fucking hate me cause he's a rat and I was born under the snake sign , ugh just because of his brother " leona groans out quietly . As both girls walk in there new school . " hello I'm yuki you can call me yuki-Sama or yuki-San I'm your class president , it very nice to meet you both " Said the boy who they got to know as yuki .

Yuki's lov

As I open my eyes I see one beautiful girl in the world' I think the principal said her name is (Y/n) , oh what a beautiful name for a beautiful person' , but besides her is 'leona she's just as ugly as she was before I think she got uglier' . I was suddenly snap out of my thought with "yuki um (y/n ) is try to talk to you" that stupid snake says quietly "oh okay " I say glaring at her .

Your Pov

"I'm sorry princess for being rude , hmm how about I take you out for lunch today " yuki says

'omfg I may truly get a boyfriend this year and it not A ugly mean guy ' ," I would like that but all I said was hi "," but I don't think that a good idea " I had to turn my head a bit to look at leona" why " I say a bit mad " he's that cousin I told you about" leona whispers . 'so yuki is leona's cousin that hates her , that why he glared at her , maybe his using me to make leona mad ugh I HATE being used ' . " Yuki no i don't want to go out to lunch with you , not today , not this year , not in billion of years , so how about you fuck off and leave me with leona kk " I say in the bitches tone ' that will teach him ' . Me and leona walk away and turns to me " im sorry (Y/n) " leona says quietly "it's fine dude we are like sisters , sisters before mister right " I say "okay " leona says that right when we walk in to are class 'why do I feel like something bad going to happen or is that just from eating too much then running '

Yuki pov

' if (Y/n) think that we aren't going to date then marry she's wrong , after all she is MY princess and soon to QUEEN and I'm her knight , I know , only reason she said that stuff to me is because of leona , will guess I have to fix that won't I '

Time skip *

No ones pov

It been 4 months since the year began . It was a Friday night and both girl both felt like something bad was going to happen, but so Both made a pillow fort in the living room to sleep in togather "(Y/n) I'm done this side what about you "leona yells " yup I'm done , now let's go get are stuff in are room and meet back here ok " (y/n) yells back . When both girl went to go get there stuff they heard a window break , all of a sudden leona quietly runs to (y/n) room "(y/n) call the cops , I'm going to check it out ok" leona whispers "no it safe to stay here " ( y / n ) says quietly " I will be fine now phone the cops okay " leona says quietly while walking out the door , (y/n) grabs the phone and dials the number . When all of a sudden the was a scream and what sound like a big object hitting the floor . ( Y / n ) drops the phone and runs out of the room and in to the living room to see leona on the floor to see a stab wound in her chest and yuki standing there with a kantana and a wierd look in his eye , it almost seemed to look like insanity

( Y / n ) pov

"Leona " I scream and ran over to leona . " get (pant ) out of (pant )here " leona trys to say " im sorry leona but you got in my way , now ( Y / n ) will you be a good girl and come with me or are you going to be bad " I get up and run to him with the glass in my hand to stab him , when *STAB* I look down to see where my heart is a sword and if it goes deeper I'm dead "l..le..ona ugh "

No ones pov

As ( Y / n ) body falls to the floor lifeless yuki pulls the sword out and walk over and bends down " my Queen your finally mine " yuki says loving " you asshole (pant ) I hope you roit in hell when you die " leona groans out

Then police sirens are getting closer " to bad I would of liked to see you die " yuki says picking up ( Y / n ) body

*one year later *

"The police are finally pulling the case of miss ( Y / n ) , police belive that ( Y / n ) is dead and the only clue we ever had was leona drew a rat before dying so can we please can we take a moment of silence for these two girl " * tv turns off * ," so your finally mine now we can live happy ever after right my queen " yuki says to your body "I'm so sorry " yuki crys out after all how can you Live with the body of some who would never love you but his madNess sometime made him dress you up , bath you , and give you food , and put you to bed as if you where still alive that is the way yuki will live his life after all you



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