Blue Banana

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Narrator POV-

'shirts are so weird, you know', Willow said to Marraya looking to the sky. They were in the park, lying on the grass.

'What makes you say that?', Marraya asked, half-sleeping. Her shoulder length, brown-blonde hair spread out on the grass. They had just had a lunch of hotdogs and pineapple flavoured water.

'It's like, your body goes into one hole and comes out of three'

Marraya smiled. Typical Willow, always coming up with the most insane questions. Willow, Jocelyn and were Marraya's best friend ever since grade 5th grade.

Marraya's phone chimed and she ignored it. "did you finish editing the new video"

"No, you shithead, I couldn't update that stupid software"

the new video they were editing had to be posted in a couple of hours, "fine ill do it at mine"

Lolziez, sorry that it is quite boring, im feeling a bit uninspired but I remembered this was sitting in my draft box for more than a year, I promise it will get spicy

-time lapse-

Marraya's eyes and head hurt from staring at the screen in such a dark room. "fucking shit", she mumbled to herself after hitting post. She Dragged herself to her bed and flopped on it, taking her phone out of her back pocket, and looked at the message she got earlier

1 messege from: Jason.

-Marraya's POV

I had met Jason on an online fashion game that i played for fun, called Lady Popular. I found it quite weird that a boy would play the game since most of the models had relatively been women.

"i find this quite quite sexist if you ask me, like as if guys aren't supposed to be interested in fashion.", he said when i asked him

"Are you gay????", I, being the socially awkward weirdo that am, asked him impulsively.

">.<, no lol", he replied, ignoring the stupid-assyness of my question. From then on we exchanged numbers and started texting regularly. I told him about the YouTube channel i had started with Wills, and he had ben a regular on our channel ever since.

I opened the message from Jason

J- hello, little blue banana.

M- Greetings, purple orange.

J- How's shit going. I saw ur new vid

A/N: (Jocelyn doesn't appear in the videos because she thinks Willow and Marraya get Way To Loud, but she does help behind the scenes e.g cameras, lighting etc. etc.

M- shits good. how was the video

J- lots of laughs, I really like the octopus mystery box at the end, YOU WERE FREEAKED OUT.

I smiled at that comment,i don't even know where Seth managed to get a frickin Octopus.

M- Well yeah, its a fucking dead octopus for crying out loud!!!!!,

and anyway, you do anything interesting today???

J- i went on this really awful date with this girl i bumped into at 7/11

i felt a little pang of jealousy peirce my heart.

M- Mhmmm, how'd it turn out?

J- Well she's probably in love with me now, since i have this irresistible charm I've been cursed with. but i'll probably just wait till the second date to tell her that it's not gonna work out

M- why wait till the second date?? and as for this irresistible charm you speak of, why haven't i been exposed to it??? or do i just happen to be immune to it.

(A/n: sorry i suck at flirting so if this cringe please bear with me, i'm asexual i don't know how these things work LoL)

J- pfft, what're you talking about, I've been flirting my ass of with you.


J- lol.....When am I goin to meet you for real, blue banana

M- how about tmr, then

J- Really!??????!!!!

M- yeah, no shit :)

J- Send me your address, i'll pick you up at what... 1-ish????

M- Sure, (location sent)

I put my phone down on my dresser beside my bed, climbed into my pajamas and snuggled in the sheets. As soon a my head hit the pillow I knocked out.

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