chapter 1

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The sound of the blaring alarm clock woke you up, it was 6:30 AM and today was finally the day! you had been job hunting for a few weeks now but nothing had been unfortunately successful until now. 

your dream had always been to work for Tony stark even if it was only for a year and just by having that job on your CV could literally get you any job you wanted! so as soon as you heard the alarm clock go off you sprang out of bed to get ready.

after at least 30 minuets you wear ready to go! you took a deep breath and one last look at yourself in the mirror before quickly slipping through your door and locking it behind you. your living situation also wasn't the best and as soon as you got enough money you were out of there. 

you were currently living with two men, one was an alcoholic pervert who was also the land lord and the other... well you were pretty sure his blood was a river of mixed up drugs! quietly, as not to wake them up you creped into the kitchen and poured yourself a cup of take out coffee before leaving.

your apartment wasn't to far away from the train station so you walked, but as soon as you were on the train to midtown Manhattan you could feel your chest tighten up. your body filled up with nerves and you began to feel self-conscious again, your brain froze until suddenly the train driver came onto the intercom braking your train of thought.

"final stop to midtown Manhattan!!" the train driver announced as a rush of people when to exit the train including you.


After about a 45 minute walk you arrived at stark towers and as you walked into the front lobby you stared in awe at the beautiful decoration and architecture of the building. however soon you saw someone walk towards you. "miss y/n?" the lady questioned. 


"Hello my names miss Potts and I'm tony's current assistant, if you would like to follow me we well just get you signed in for the interview." she said as she shook your hand and leaded you to the front desk, however thoughts kept creeping up into the back of your mind questioning weather you were good enough, smart enough or pretty enough but you just shook the thoughts away.

soon after you were singed in you and miss Potts were in the elevator, but as you watched the levels on the screen increase that tight feeling from earlier re-entered you chest and soon you realised miss Potts was looking at you with a face full of concern. "umm... miss y/n are you feeling alright?"

"yeah I'm fine!" you quickly blurted out. "just a little nervous that's all".

soon the elevator doors opened into a huge work shop and your eyes lit up like a child's in a candy store. "after you" miss Potts said ushering you in. the two of you then both walked through a glass door and Friday announced your names as you both walk in.

"TONY?" miss Potts yelled as tony's head popped up from behind an arm of a suit and you tried to hide yourself giggling.

"WHAT?" tony yelled back as miss Potts turned down the extremely high music.

"miss y/n is here for her interview about the assistant job and ill be upstairs if you need me." miss Potts announced as she picked up a few files and started to walk back towards the elevator.

"so miss..... I'm sorry what was your name again?" tony said as he started to type into a projected keyboard.

"I'm miss y/n sir" you said with a warm and friendly smile. however tony didn't reply, he just continued to type onto the key board until he found your file. a few minuets went past as tony read through your file. it was complete silence until tony finally said "so y/n tell me what you know about my work and technology"

for a second you looked at him in shock before taking a deep breath and started reciting what made each suit different, you then also recited which suits were used in which battles.

"what? how did you now that i used the mark 7 suit in new York? that was never publicly announced." tony said looking at you amazed in how much detail you knew your stuff.

"oh? well its easy really, you just look up YouTube videos of the battle and slow them down enough so you can see the white markings on the suit that say mark 7" you replied but as you looked up at tony he had a huge smile on his face. "your hired!" he said as he pointed at you, however you couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious.

"I'm sorry?" you questioned as you looked at tony with a confused look. "your hired silly! everyone who came in before you were just fan girls with no experience however your perfect, you know the suits inside out, meaning if I'm gonna work with you i don't have to try and explain things like a hundred times" 

suddenly the elevator behind you opened again and miss Potts walked in with two glasses and a bottle of campaign "i hear a celebration is in order" she said before once again leaving, and the two of you had a few glasses to drink before tony demanding happy drive you home instead of taking the train so you said your goodbyes to Mr stark before leaving with miss Potts.

"i guess i will leave you in the capable hands of happy then, oh and you will be texted all of the information about your new job for you first day tomorrow, and don't forget to pack" miss pots explained

"pack??" you questioned

"yes, the job provides accommodation in stark towers remember, now go get some rest you have a busy day a head of you" she explained before saying goodbye and happy driving you home.

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