Headcanon 8

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didn't make one these in a while so here i am

saw a post on insta as to why everyone who lives in the tower act likes to keep it rlly clean

like usually ud think it's a little messy but i think they keep it rlly clean

and here's why

feat Sam Bucky Nat Steve Tony Thor Bruce Rhodney Clint Peter


•so u step into the tower right or the base or wtv u wanna imagine it as right and ur expecting like uk at least a blanket or uk like papers laying around

•like any normal home right i mean it's home uk right

•but ur met with clean, irs just clean like clean irs clean uk lmfaoooo

•so then afyer askin around u find out why eahc of them have their own reason to keep it super duper clean

•so for sam it's because we'll he has manners uk, come on his momma raised him damn well, at first he was even considering taking his shoes off but he was like nah too buisnesseee

•so now he doesn't wear outside shoes on the more home levels like uk rooms kicthcek living room

•like the first level which is like a living room but guest or when he goes to garage and stuff like that he'll wear shoes but now like their home levels OH and also he doesn't let anyone wear shoes in his room cause he'll nah

•Bucky, bucky was built in a fairly dirty place uk winter soldier like seeing their place i think it's rather like nasty and ugly idk i just think of it as that

•He also remembers how Steve would constantly get sick and stuff and he just doesn't want that for anyone or himself and also he hangs with sam so let's be real they rub off eahc other,

•he also rlly enjoys cleaning cause it takes his mind off of things so he cleans with Nat because she also enjoys it and she always starts music so while he's placing dishes he can hear her like humming and just swaying around while brooming

•Nat grew up in red room, filled with fairly uptight woman and also theres the whole "graduation ceremony" so they can't have any mess ups of the people getting infected and shit, so it kinda just stuck around she also just doesn't like stuff laying around like it kinda just bothers her

•as said before she enjoys cleaning mostly brooming because she can kinda jsut dance around while sweeping the floor

•Steve as mentioned used to get very sick and stuff when he was younger and it sucked so he kinda became a like super scared of germs and shir he usually does a deep clean every like week at least once cause fk no he don't want that again or for anyone and also bucky would prolly kill steve if he got sick and then kill himself because U CLEANED THE WHOLE HOUSE HOW THE FUC-

•Tony grew up with Howard and he was a fairly strict father when it came to cleanliness so Howard would always yell about how things laid around in their house and it drove Tony insane growing up, but he's lowkey grateful cause it made him take care of his stuff (except his lab) but yeah he keep it's clean or more organized then clean like he knows what's going on even if it seems like it's just a mess

•Thor is a prince, a king, i mean come on it's their whole thing not to mention Odin forced Thor to because the perfect royal image, he was told how princes are clean sharp well dressed and stuff like that and not running around being fools like Loki would as he would say, Royal princes never had time for fun and amusement and joy so yeah

•Thor also never liked the idea of like servent growing up so no matter how much he got yelled at he still helped them and now he jsut doesn't want smn to do stuff for him

Bruce i mean it's bruce like come one, he just wants his stuff nice and untouched, he doesn't like when things are laying around it kinda makes an added stress and makes him feel like he can't find his things, so he cleans up wtv he understands, he usually leave papers and stuff that are other peoples things untouched because he understands how it feels to not be able to find stuff cause smn uses it (curtesy to Tony who no longer touches his shit)

•Rhodney as mentioned, very well raised by his momma, doesnt clean up after other tho because fk no fk u u ain't dying, but if u can't he will like he doesn't mind, obvi he just keeps shir clean because common sense it's home ur not gonna treat it like a dumpster

•Clint grew up in a circus the mans had known filth has lived in filth and ain't no way he treating a five start home like that shit fk no, Clint likes to appreciate the better things he gets and keeps them in the best way he can and makes sure it's not broken or dirty or anything his room is act rlly clean and nice and u can see all the lil things he's bought or been gifted and ud think he's prolly gonna put it on a shelf and thas it but he enjoys looking at them and remembering the memories so he keeps them in good shape

•Now peter had depression and when he was depressed he was all over the place old food in his locker and room and just it was a mess that he hurried himself in and couldn't get out, obvi with help of friends and aunt may he was helped out and he remembers how it was when he cleaned up his room, so Peter in sort of fear that he'd fall into that circle again or he's gonna disgust smn he doesn't do that anymore, he also jsut doesn't like how it reminds him of his bad times

•not to mention everyone in the tower kinda knows so smt Tony or bucky would notice if it looks like it's gonna get bad or smth so they always just tell peter no matter what happens it's okay we'll help y out and that calms the boy down and takes his cleaning down a notch liek it was bad to the point he'd pick up each individual crumb

•On steve's Deep Clean Friday, they all kinda come tgt and clean up, Steve taking care of like food and stuff throwing out anything old, Nat, Bucky Peter Sam usually handle like home stuff as in furniture and sweeping and folding laundry and stuff, Clint and Thor clean up outside and handle cutting grass or stuff like that and finally Bruce, Tony and Rhodey clean the Lab, pickin up paper and cleaning their desk, cleaning off burn marks

The end

Steve some how still caught a cold tho
Bucky threw hands


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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