A Sandwich (Levi, Hange)

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A.N.: For this, you can either interpret it as platonic or romantic LeviHan. I like both so it doesn't really matter to me!


          "Why what?" Levi looked over at Hange, who stared at their sandwich quizzically. The two of them were finally free from their classes and decided to spend the rest of the day exploring the downtown area. Along the way, Hange spotted a French sandwich shop and practically begged Levi to let them try it. But now Hange seemed hesitant to even taste the $11 sandwich. Levi nudged them again. "Why what four eyes?"

          "Why is there raw fish in my sandwich?" They gave their food a light sniff only to promptly back away. "And it smells weird too!"

          The man rolled his eyes, "Well, it is raw salmon. You should have gotten that chocolate croissant like I suggested." Levi took a bite out of his dark chocolate croissant. Of course the whole thing wasn't chocolate, that's repulsive. It was a simple croissant with a generous chocolate drizzle and some chocolate chunks inside. Hange made their signature sour face. "I thought the whole thing was going to be chocolate! I thought it was going to gross."

          "Well you should have at lease read the menu carefully before forcing me to buy it!"

"The menu was in French Levi!"

          "Correction, the name of the foods were in French. But the description of the items were in clear and concise english." Feeling defeated, Hange eyed Levi's food and began to lower themselves to their friend's stature.  "Can I pretty pleeeeeease, get a small bite of your croissant? It smells pretty good and I'm pretty hungry!"

          "Eat your damn $11 sandwich!" Levi swiped his tasty treat out of harms way while Hange's drool met the ground. "You won't know if you like it until you try it."

          The statement caused some groans from his hungry pal. "Fine! I'll take two small bites, but if I don't like it..." Hange thought out loud, "We're going all the way back to swap it with croissants!"

          "That place is not going to accept your disgusting, soggy, half-eaten sandwhich."

          "Whatever, that's their loss." Hange shrugged and positioned the raw fish sandwich in front of their mouth. "L-Levi-"

"Eat it."

          At this point, Hange was practically vibrating from fear. What if they hated it so much, they vomited right here, right now? In public? No, they can't let that happen! "L-Levi?"


          Hange awkwardly held out their hand to the side. They firmly gripped the poor sandwhich in their other hand. "Hold m-my hand? For g-good luck?" Levi sighed, "Are you serious right now?" He studied Hange's face. It was some strange expression between fear, disgust, smugness; Most likely due to the fact that Hange was so sure of them hating the sandwich. With another sigh, Levi took the scardy cat's hand.

          "All right!" Hange yelled unnecessarily loud, "Let's do this! I'm gonna eat this Levi!" Levi was in a mid-eye roll when Hange suddenly strangled his hand from excitement. "What the hell? Be caref-"

          It was too late to say anything. Before he could even look over, Hange had their head in the nearest trash can. They were too busy releasing their stomach to notice Levi screaming.

          "HANGE STOP THAT'S SO GROSS!" He immediately let go of their hand and backed away. "You dumbass! Why did you have to keep holding my hand while doing that?"

"Urghhh, L-Levi..." Hange let their head hang in the trash bin.

          "What is it?" The man hesitantly moved closer to Hange's new refuge. "You need some water?"

          Weakly, Hange turned their head to barely face their friend. In a faint whisper, they muttered "C-Chocolate bread...You o-owe me!" Their words were followed by a smile and another wave of their stomach contents in the trash.

          "Honestly Hange," Levi cracked a slight smile and placed his hand on Hange's back and started rubbing in circles. "Fine, but next time. By the looks of it, your stomach can't handle anything else tonight." The two stayed there for quite some time. Up until they were lectured for loitering.

A.N.: The sandwhich in the story is based off a sandwich I had from a French food place today. I thought the fish was grilled but it came out raw. But it still tasted good to me. Can't say the same for Hange though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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