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12 AM

wendy walked in the deep dark forest alone. her phone died so she couldn't text her papi:/ she was scared. she was all dirty and makeup stains on her face. she heard a noise, like a footstep. she jumped and ran.

"omg.. i have to get out of here as soon as possible" "no need for that" wendy eyes opened like like like like like like like like rlly wide. she turned around and saw kyle over her with a knife and his fangs out.

"hey wendy testaburger~ 💖💖💖"

Wendy started crying. "NO PLEASE KYLE DONT KILL ME!😨" Wendy continued to beg and plead for her life. kyle stood there annoyed. 'oml lemme just kill this bitch now'

he hovered the knife over her. "NONONO PLEASE NO!" kyle stabbed wendy 10000000+ million plus times. he started to act like yan chan and laugh bc edgy.

9 AM

kyle is walking thru the hallway in his school. people heard that wendy missing and she hasn't been found yet. kyle in the corner of his eyes saw bebe and her friend group crying.

"omg!! what if she died?! i want my baby back!!" bebe cried. that was one of the reason why kyle took out wendy. wendy is a cheater and has been cheating on bebe for a while. kyle felt bad for her. he tried telling bebe abt the whole cheating thing but she didn't believe him.

"hey kyle." stan said coming up to him.

"yo. how have u been" kyle asked. he noticed stan looked upset and has been crying all night.

"i'm fine. just upset that wendy is missing and such. you haven't seen her did you?"

"no. but it's a shame that she's been missing. hope they find her." kyle smirked heheheheh. kyle pat stans back "hope u feel better dude" and walked away.

12 AM
it's lunch time and the boys are sitting at their table. they acted normal how they usual would, the setting is just more darker. more quiet, but there's still talking.

"so sten, how r u coping with ur baby mommy gone ?" cartman asked totally not giving a shit. (i'm not a candy shipper. don't cancel me:3) cartman had a crush on wendy for years. he's been jealous of stan forever. kyle knew. he fucking hated it. 'how can you like a bitch like her? uGh🙄'

stan sat there not answering cartman. he was too depressed to even socialize with his friends. he should of stayed home. pc principal and strong women went infont of the cafeteria.

"may i have your attention? we just got word from the police that they found wendy testaburgers body" the whole room gasped. bebe started wailing and stan started sobbing to. it was very emotional here. kyle pretended to care and Comfort him.

"i only did this for you stan.~" kyle whispered in his breath"

a week later

police still tryna find the murder of wendy. kyle hid his evidence pretty good. stan is still feeling pretty depressed abt wendy, so is bebe and everyone else. people started to catch on kyle. he seemed like he didn't care. acting so normal. like HE killed her. but let's not get overboard. kyle DEF DIDNT KILL HER. he ain't s murderer... right? i mean, the boys have done some crazy shit, and still do. but kyle wouldn't go that far now would he?

kyle sitting in his room, thinking abt random shit. he feels like the police r onto him. cartman told kyle that someone from the school told the police that it might be kyle. but kyle acted uwu boy innocent and said no he did not.

"kyle! time to eat dinner" shelia yelled from downstairs. kyle went downstairs and ate with his family. gerald usually ignores kyle. but this time, he has a weird vibe from him. like he did something bad. but ofc he wasn't thinking that he was the murder of wendy testaburger. his son would never do such a thing! ..right?

gerald was staring at kyle for a while til kyle started to get worried.

"why you keep looking at me? did i do something?" kyle worried. his parents would get mad at him a lot, especially his mother. so he tend to be a goody around them.

"no. nothing.." Gerald stopped looking at him and kept eating. kyle barely ate. he wasn't feeling hungry.

"y aren't u eating kyle?" shelia asked. "i'm just not hungry atm" "k but ur eating later ok" "ok"

"can i leave-?" "hmmmmmMmmM ok."

kyle went back upstairs in his room. he played some mc and went to sleep.

next day
stan ran up to kyle in the hallway.

"kyle! hey.." stan said out of breath. 'bruh this man ok? like damn 💀' kyle thought

"uh hey."

"i have to say something.." stan hesitated. he was sweated a lot. also there's seem to be something behind his back, he was holding something.

"yeah? shoot." kyle started acting cute bc funny. stan got a boner./j (UHM?)

stan brought out his love letter and held it out to kyle.

"would u go out with me??" stan sat there hoping he would say yes. kyle screamed.

"OMG! yEs yEs i wOuLd 💖💖" kyle cheered happy. the whole school was happy for them.

"looks like he had a happy ending" pip said. wendy and pip were hovering over them with their angel wings.

"yeah but yk what? i'm happy for them. i always knew he loved kyle." wendy stood there smiling.

"hehe, same. but like he didn't have to kill you. that shit was too much"

"ig ur right. but still.. style!!" wendy cheered.

"style ? is that their ship name u thought of lol" pip asked. "yep! best ship on earth."

"i agree... NOT AS BETTER HAS DIP THO!" pip yelled. "BITCH WHAT-" "haha jk"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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Vampire Yandere Kyle For Wendy TestaburgerWhere stories live. Discover now