Chapter Eighteen

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In my dream, I was surrounded by thick, gray fog. I didn't know where I was and I couldn't see any more than five feet in front of me. I looked around for a minute, curious about my surroundings, before stepping forward. As soon as my foot hit the mushy ground, it sunk through the mud. I tried to pull it out, pulling at my leg, but it wouldn't give. My other foot started sinking as well and soon I was up to my knees in the disgusting gunk.

I continued to try and push myself out of the ground when I heard it: Sam was calling for me and he sounded urgent. It only took a second for Dean's voice to join him and then Castiel's and then Zoe's. Soon, all four of them were screaming for me, begging for me to help them. I started sinking faster.

I struggled against the wet dirt surrounding me, but it was no use. In a matter of minutes, it was up over my shoulders and covering my neck. Tears streamed down my face as I listened to the tortured screams of those few friends I had. It only took a few more minutes for the mud to fill my ears, cover my eyes, and encompass my entire body.

I shot up in bed, breathing heavily, my face wet with tears.

Someone touched my shoulder and I started, spinning around to see that it was only Sam, a worried look on his face. "You were having a nightmare. Are you alright?"

I was so relieved that he was okay. The dream had been so real. I flung my arms around Sam's neck and buried my face in his shoulder. "Don't ever leave me, okay?" I probably sounded clingy and childish, but I didn't ever want my dream to become a reality.

He hugged me to him, rubbing my back slowly. "I won't. Promise."

I sniffed and pulled back. "Thanks. Sorry for the freak out."

He shook his head. "No need to apologize. Did you want to go back to bed?"

I shrugged. I wasn't against sleep but...My stomach growled loudly and I blushed. "I'm actually kind of hungry. What time is it?"

Sam turned in the bed to look at the electronic clock on the nightstand. "It's eight thirty."

I groaned and fell back into the pillows. "Seven hours of sleep doesn't feel like enough." My stomach growled again, making Sam look down at me.

"Let's go get you something to eat," he suggested, getting out of the bed.

I looked over at him. "You must be exhausted. Go back to sleep."

Sam shook his head and held his hands out to me. "Come on. You're starving and, now that we're talking about it, I'm started to feel a little hungry. I'm not that tired so don't worry about me. Let's go."

I smiled at him. "Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" I grabbed his hands and allowed him to help me out of bed. He kept one hand around mine as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

When we reached the doorway of the kitchen, we both stopped dead in our tracks, staring in confusion at what was going on at the counter. First, there was flour and eggshells all over the counter top. Second, it smelled good; like, really good. A mix of chocolate and oats. Third, Dean and Zoe were standing at the counter scooping dough out of a big bowl and plopping the dough down onto a cookie sheet.

Dean scraped his finger in the bowl and Zoe smacked his hand. "No eating the dough, Dean." Dean smirked and put his dough covered finger into his mouth and then pulling it out with a pop. Zoe smacked his arm. "Patience, Dean. You can eat some if we have leftovers."

I cleared my throat loudly and they both froze, Dean's mouth open in a half response, looking up at the two of us. "Are we interrupting something?" I asked. I let go of Sam's hand and stepped down into the kitchen.

"Cookies?" Sam inquired, following me down. "This early in the morning?"

"We couldn't sleep," Zoe argued, dropping her ball of dough onto the pan.

"So you decided to make cookies?" I asked, getting comfortable on a bar stool.

Dean shrugged. "We didn't have any pie crust."

Sam went to the pantry and opened it up, looking inside for some more reasonable breakfast. "We have cereal," he suggested, pulling a box of Fruit Loops out and showing it to me.

I shrugged. "I don't see why not." He pulled out bowls and spoons and poured the two of us some cereal. After I started eating, a thought came to mind. "Where're Cas and Meg?" I hadn't seen Meg since the field and I hadn't seen Cas since the night before. I found it sort of weird that I'd risked my life (along with everybody else) to save Meg and I hadn't even really met her. I didn't regret it or anything, I just wanted to meet her.

"Demons are like angels," Sam explained. "They don't need food or sleep. So I don't know where they are. Last night, Cas sat Meg down and looked at her injuries, but I have no clue where they are now."

I nodded. I guess I would just have to meet her later. "What're we gonna do today?"

Sam gathered up the now empty cereal bowls and carried them to the sink. "We haven't really worked on your abilities for the last couple days. We should probably do that."

"Yeah...but we should skip that today."

Sam looked at me like that was an absurd idea. "We already skipped two days."

"Skipped two days of what?" Zoe asked, pulling one pan of cookies out of the oven and putting another one in. I'd forgotten that she hadn't been here the whole time I had.

"My training," I explained. "Because I'm part demon, I have certain demonic abilities. Sam and I have 'trained' for the last two weeks. Except for the last two days when we did hand to hand combat and shot guns and then saved Meg. I'm saying we should skip today. We could all use a break."

Mostly, I just wanted to get out of training, but they really did need to do something not hard for a little while. They all looked exhausted--probably from not sleeping the previous night. I'd already seen Sam's scrapes and bruises, but Dean and Zoe didn't really look much better. Dean's cheek was black and blue and he had gauze wrapped around his left forearm. Zoe had finger print bruises on her neck and I'd noticed she winced any time she twisted her torso or raised her arms too high meaning she probably had bruised or broken ribs. Looking at them all made me feel bad that I had gotten out of the situation unscathed.

"Well if you don't want to train, what do you want to do?" Zoe asked, smacking Dean's hand away from the cookie dough for what was probably the hundredth time.

I thought about this for a second. We all needed a break from this crazy world around us. Something fun...Something came to mind then and I smiled. "We should go bowling."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Bowling?"

I nodded. "When was the last time the two of you went bowling?"

"I don't think we've ever gone, actually," Dean stated.

"See? We should go bowling."

"Is there even anywhere to go bowling around here?" Zoe asked, taking the last pan out of the oven.

"I'm going to go shower," I said, ignoring Zoe's good question and getting off of the bar stool, "then we can go bowling." I leaned over and kissed Sam's cheek, earning calls of "PDA!" from Dean and Zoe. I rolled my eyes and left the kitchen, smiling.

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