~Another Art Dump~

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Art. Woooo.

This one was done last year. My friend drew it and I colored it.

 My friend drew it and I colored it

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First art piece in a brand new sketchbook! I was bored when I drew it if you couldn't already tell. I did this one a few days ago.

 I did this one a few days ago

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Art project I did for school. I finished it a few weeks ago.

 I finished it a few weeks ago

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A random art piece of some random person I just made up on the spot. I needed to practice shading and that's why she was created. She was drawn a few days ago.

 She was drawn a few days ago

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And finally, I few random doodles I did during church last Sunday.

And finally, I few random doodles I did during church last Sunday

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So yeah. That's it for now. I'll post more tomorrow! (If I don't have homework)

Stay safe y'all!

~Splash out ;3

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