Chapter 1

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So this is my first y/n story and first story that is MHA so yeah this was requested from my bestie ar lee so yeah hope you like
Y/n - your name
L/n - last name
F/c - favorite color
F/f - favorite food
H/c hair color
E/c eye color
S/c skin color

" what do you mean where done?" shoto screamed tears falling out of his eyes " I'm inlove with deku ... "

Shoto's heart sank he brought his hands to his hair gripping it tightly " this cant be happening " shoto kept mumbling all he could see was darkness

all he felt was pain he looked to where you where  standing he saw you with a smile and deku next to you looking inlove

" no no no no this can't happen y/n is mine " all he hurd was voices now  " I love you deku " " hmmm y/n midoryia sounds amazing " " of course I will marry you deku " " where gonna have a baby " shoto legs became week fell to the floor sobbing

Shoto jumped out of his bed with a scream hand on heart trying to get his breathing in check " what the hell was that it felt so real " shoto got out of bed and went down stairs he didn't see anyone he got a little worried " y/n " he called out

he tried the bathroom , living room , kitchen ,  , guest rooms nothing now he was getting extra worried he tried calling her she didn't answer called again didn't answer now Shoto was thinking the worse

" how about someone kidnapped her or killled her " shoto tried calling her his didn't pick up so he decided to use investigating abilities he tried some places he thought she would be

the garden , fav shop , favorite restaurant , sister house but nothing so he tried your job little mini coffee shop

he looked threw the door and all his  worries went away you where there cleaning a table in the corner a smile on your face but your eyes had exhaustion shoto walked into the lil coffee shop ran up to you and hugged you from behind taking in your sent

" ahhh oh shoto " shoto digged his face into y/n's shoulder " I was looking all over for you I thought I lost you "

y/n looked back at him you met his eyes you saw tiredness and sadness y/n felt horrible about making him worry so much

" shoto I'm so sorry for making you worry so much ugh I'm a horrible girlfriend " y/n was in the verge of tears shoto cupped her cheek and kissed y/n's nose 

" your not a horrible girlfriend your the best I could ever ask for my love " shoto wiped away a tear that slipped down y/n's cheek shoto's smile disappeared remembering his dream

" baby what's wrong ? " y/n said getting worried shoto just shrugged didn't say a word " Shoto todoroki!! Tell me what's wrong did I do something I'm here for you "

" I just had a odd dream more like a nightmare " Shoto said nervously " aww I'm sorry what was it about "

" uhh- " " hey Shoto I'm don't want it to seem like I'm forcing you okay if yo don't wanna tell me then don't okay "

Shoto  nodded with a smile that's one of the things he liked about you even if he was sad you could make him have a smile

" come on Shoto let's go home I'm tired " y/n yawned  she grabbed her purse hand in hand with Shoto and started walking out

........ At home

" hmmm baby come here " Shoto said in a sleep voice y/n smiled

" cuddles " Shoto nodded yes shyly y/n jumped on top of Shoto hugging his torso Shoto brought his hands to y/n's h/c hair  playing with it shoto's chin on top of your head

Shoto's movements stopped y/n looked up he had a peaceful face little snores coming from him y/n smiled kissed his forehead "I  love you Shoto " a ding interrupted y/n's staring

* new message from lil baby deku 🥦 *
Y/n smiled at her phone deku was always kind to her her first friend back in UA

* new message from lil baby deku 🥦 * Y/n smiled at her phone deku was always kind to her her first friend back in UA

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" y/n who are you texting " " oh I didn't see that you woke up it was just deku " shoto face became firm " deku " " yeah we wanted to catch up " " oh " y/n looked at shoto weirdly " what's wrong " " nothing just tired come on let's sleep " " hmmm ...

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" y/n who are you texting " " oh I didn't see that you woke up it was just deku " shoto face became firm " deku " " yeah we wanted to catch up " " oh " y/n looked at shoto weirdly " what's wrong " " nothing just tired come on let's sleep " " hmmm okay "

So that's the first chapter hope you like

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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