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"Mikayla! Come on, we're gonna be late,"

"Give me two seconds,"


"Alright, alright," Throwing on a pair of white sneakers on, I quickly slid my body onto the driver seat of Sofie's car.

"You could have given me a minute," I muttered while pulling the seatbelts on and started the car.

"And you would have taken an hour," retorted Sofie.

"Shut up," giving her a pointed look, "Oh, by the way, do you have the address?"

"Yeah, just turn on the gps," she answered without looking away from her phone.

"Alright thanks," we both fell silent as she kept scrolling through her phone and I kept on driving.

It didn't take a long time before we arrived at a house that looks filled with people and party lights everywhere.

People with drinks were everywhere, the sound of loud beats were cutting through the silent night.

"Tell me again who's birthday is it?" I questioned Sofie after we hop off the car.

"Andrew Davila. One of Brent's best friend. Turning 20," Sofie answered as we both strode towards the door and let ourselves in.

There were familiar faces due to being in the same high school, however the amount of the unfamiliar ones were overwhelming. Thus, I find myself standing near the kitchen counter, sipping my drink, in such an awkward state.

Realising that I am going to make a fool out of myself, I tried to find Sofie who was actually by the pool, having a conversation with two individuals.

Sofie noticed my presence and made eye contact with me, ushering to head over to her. I did as I was told and when I arrived, I faced the two person who had their backs to me.

Both were tall men. One was wearing a cream-coloured hoodie with the word Relatable written across the chest area. The other one beside him was wearing dark aloha shirt paired with some short beige cargo pants.

I took my place beside Sofie and held my hand out, "Hi, nice to meet you. Mikayla Reinhart."

The one with the hoodie took my hand shook it as he too introdiced himself, "Brent Rivera. Nice to meet you, I've a lot about you."

"Good things I hope," giving him a smile which he returned.

"And I'm Dom. Nice to meet you, Sofie's friend right?" He questioned as soon as he let go of my hand.

"Yeah, I'm her roommate as well at the moment, until I am legally 18" I answered.

"Trying to get your own place huh?" Brent asked as we got into a conversation about that. Sofie and Dom has already left to who knows where.

Brent talked about how he also has plans to move out and live the independent life. It was really nice of him to give me tips and insights about getting our own place and everything. 

Our conversation went smoothly as we jump from relevant discussion before a long-haired girl came up to us.

"Brent come one, we're gonna blow the cake," she informed Brent excitedly.

"Sure. Though Lexi, meet Mikayla. She's with Sofie. Mikayla," he turned to look at me," meet Lexi."

The girl was absolutely gorgeous. 

"Hey, nice to meet you," I went in for a hug to which she sweetly took.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" she stated as she looked at me closely, "Have I met you before?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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